Originally posted by abacus:
Hi Fred
Up till about 6 – 12 months ago AMD CPUs kicked Intel’s Backside (Butt) both in speed and the amount of heat (Lack) produced, however since the release of the Intel Core 2 Duo etc, the situation has reversed (You will find virtually all top end games machines, and those that require fast processing, now have Intel CPUs) with AMD now looking like a Model T, (OK, perhaps a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea) the Intel Core 2 Duo also consumes less power, and consequently produces less heat.
Hope this helps


Thanks for the tip Bill,
Definately will have another look at that.

There are numerous other issues I have to find out if I go the Vista route.
Due to the changed audio engine (called RT/UAE) which is kernel/ hardware related audio manafacters need to redesign their hardware as well as there's no real good work around with drivers to get the optimum result. Not even the 32 bits drivers are Vista ready for a lot of the older cards.
(That includes my delta 1010)

On the other hand Vista is in fact a major upgrade which if all components comply will show a much more stable system as ever before and very very much faster! And how about a max of 128Gb ram instead of the max of 4Gb.
All samples in Ram!

About Mac's:
I do not want to cause a Mac/Pc war, but a well built PC with todays Processors smokes any Mac, but I do agree with the Mac users that if you want a ready to go DAW and don't want to built your own PC, your best bet is a Mac.

Stock PC's like Dell/HP etc... are fine for internet and other comsumer applications, but will give you a headache when you start pushing them to the limit with heavy audio and video programs.

Hope to have all info ready next week and order all the components and software upgrade's. (will be Vista Ultimate though)


[This message has been edited by freddynl (edited 09-20-2007).]
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76