Hello! I'm the guy who asked about what to chose, Solton MS series keyboard, or, as suggested, Korg PA80, or something else... I played a lot of keyboards these past week, and finally decided to take MS100. I am very impressed by the keyboard, its really cool! The styles are incredible, and the sounds are mostly very eerie (for example, musicbox), which I like. But, as I intended, I bought a second hand keyboard, so can somebody please tell me where I can find some support (maybe an online operating manual). Btw, is there a way to restore all settings to default (everything is jerked here). If there is no support, can somebody please answer what's a "jump" option, what is "registration". And, is there a way to make a piano sustained without a sustain pedal which i dont have yet (is there a sustain pedal for it?)
thanks everybody who helped me choose