I do very little editing with pc envirnments. I record with a digital 8 track unit (Roland VSR880) and a Mackie 1604VLZpro mixer. I prefer the outboard effects and real time knobe for session work. I use computer programs to convert tracks after I make them in the studio. I also use a TC Electronics finalizer, so I like having that patched into the analog mixer before I burn a CD. After the track is mastered ... I can import it to the pc for sweetning (if ness) or conversion to different formats.
Mostly, my world is still live, but I DO MAKE some of my own backinmg tracks to fill up holes in the production numbers. I recorded a Beach Boys medley that has all my (Digitech generated) harmonies and the rhythm tracks on it, so I can play straight piano or guitar and still get the full arrangement. This is essential to use audio for, since the harmonies are NOT singing the same words as the lead!
eg: Inside, outside U.S.A. ...etc .....
Really sounds great.
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