Originally posted by George V:

A big plus for the 625 - the new Graded Hammer Standard keyboard . . . we have to see Michel Vonken demoing it.

George, Though I didn't get to see Michel Vonken demo the YPG625 or P70 (he didn't make it to NAMM), I myself (at NAMM) had the opportunity to play these keyboards and feel they're wonderfully RESPONSIVE "fully weighted" piano graded action, yet easy to play for one who may not be accustomed to playing a fully weighted piano action keyboard as well.

To top this off, I had the priviledge of seeing Yamaha's Keyboard Artist: Martin Harris (who, imo ranks right up there with Voncken), put on an impressive stage demo of both the P70, YPG625, and Tyros2 keyboards, as evidenced by the following 'still shots' I grabbed from the video I shot of that exclusive event. Martin wowed us with his keyboard prowness playing both the digital pianos as well as Tyros2. Because he is one of the principal architects of Tyros2's styles & sounds, he really knew how to maximize the sound potential of Tyros2.
