I think that they are two great keyboards, that complement very well each other. I find them both extremely useful when it comes to recording a song. Talking of styles, it would be difficult for me to do without my SD1, because the styles are so natural, due to the sampled grooves, while the 9000 pro does indeed sound "canned". To record Malafemmena, and make the style more lively, I turned down the rhytm jazz guitar and played that part myself. With the SD1 maybe this wouldn't have been necessary.
This is not to say that all the 9000 styles are useless; I haven't checked all of them, but some of them are really nice: very simple maybe, but at least don't get into your way.
The 9000 pro is very well laid out, both externally and internally (I did open the lower lid to mount the hard disk and was amazed to see all that electronic stuff so well laid out: a real pleasure for the eye). The SD1 is less logically organized and navigating through the menus can be a little more painful, but once you have grasped its logic (or the lack of a logic), it's OK. The SD1 seems to have a better sample handling ability, but I will check more on that later.
Speaking of sounds, the 9000 pro has an overall cleaner sound; I have to open a parentesis here to say that I think that every keyboard has a personality (even if someone says that they are just a bunch of electronic stuff), and that their personality reflects the personalities of the people who designed them.
To make an example, when I sit down at the 9000 pro I usually find myself playing soft tunes in a mellow, laid back way. If I close my eyes, I can see mature couples dancing, speaking softly and smiling to each other.
If, on the other hand, I sit down at the SD1, I start to play a different kind of music or maybe the same music but in a different way and, if I close my eyes, I see young people dancing and shaking their bodies...young bodies that transpire... (can I say that or is it too sensual?)
They both have good sounds; as soon as I can I will record again Wave entirely on the SD1, so you'll be able to compare the piano with the 9000 pro; if you wish I could record a ballad with the SD1, to let you compare the style with the 9000 pro style used in Malafemmena and hear with your ears what I mean saying that the groove adds life to the style.
Always speaking of sounds, there are a few categories where I find the 9000 pro better, especially electric pianos and voices; on the other hand, the SD1 has some beautiful organs and saxophones and the drums really kick. To make an example, it would very difficult for me to record a R&B or a Soul number with the 9000 pro, after having tried the SD1.
I have compared more in depth their features in the topic "Is the SD1 the best arranger on earth?" (or something like that), posted by Roland Fan.
If you have more specific questions, I will be happy to answer.

[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited 11-10-2002).]
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.