It's fasinating to read about other member's Dads on this thread. I guess it's time to add my thoughts.

I'm lucky because I've had not only one, but two fathers. The 'first' one both fathered me into this world, and then had the 'self less' compassion to give me up for adoption (because he realized that he & my birth mother were no longer capable to raise me along with their already large family). I was blessed again to have been chosen by my adoptive Dad (and Mom) when I was three years old. My Dad was always the envy of all my friends, because he always made it a point to take time from his hectic schedule (small businessman: liquor store chain owner) to take me on fishing trips, scouting events, ballgames (Giants/49ers), and attended many of my school sporting activities. Where some of my other friend's dads discouraged their sons from pursuing the arts, my Dad (though not musically or artistically inclined himself) always encouraged me in pursuing music & the arts, and I'm forever grateful for his support. The BIG influence my Dad had on influencing me musically was that he had (years before I was born) a side job of supplying records (45's, remember them?) for jukeboxes in local establishments. As a result, he was able to keep (and collect) 100's (maybe thousands?) of used classic 45's from the 1950s & 60's, and I listened to & emulated EVERY ONE of them starting at the age of 3. I spent countless hours listening to the music of that era which included: Sinatra, Bobby Daren, Nat Cole, Hank Williams, Ray Price, Hank Thompson, Web Pierce, Jim Reeves, Patsy Cline, Elvis, Beatles, etc. My Dad's #1 love: "Classic Country" has certainly influenced my current musical performance style. I particularly appreciate the sounds of traditional Country artists because what they sing (and the stories they tell) is so REAL & Sincere, and not just commercialized (like so much of the junk out there today). I strive to bring back 'honest sincerity' to music.

Though my Dad passed away 5 years ago, his spirit will live on (thru me) as I strive to live my life thru the values he instilled in me. - Scott

Side note: I'm convinced that our artistic inclinations are at least partly 'genetically inherited' because I was fortunate to have the opportunity to re-meet my birth family (after growing up) to find that they are all naturally talented musicians, whereas my adoptive family (though they enjoy listening to music) are not into making music themselves.
