Rory: Thanks for the feedback. Good point about panning in the 4's to better match the other styles.

You bring up an interesting point. Using the internal styles, some voicings that are not possible on a real guitar may be played. There is no "don't play an impossible voicing" function that I am aware of in the Tyros engine that selects the voicing for a chord. Also, as a piano player, I have no idea of what is an "illegal" guitar voicing. Although, I am sometimes frustrated that I can't get a chord played in a style in the inversion I want. As example, in the head, the Bb7 chord (second chord in the groove) I like with D on the top and the Tyros always chooses F.

Another philosophy may be. Why should I be limited by what can be done on the real instrument as compared to what can be done on the virtual one. As example, I love to use pitch bend with an electric piano sound. However, I have never seen a Rhodes with a whammy bar.

BTW, I checked out your site. Some very cool stuff there. Amazing Grace was cooking.