Originally posted by Wazza:
Do you how much waverom the PA1X has?
I couldn't find this anywhere...

Greetz & Thanx again ,

There are no specs on the Pa1X PRO Wav ROM that I could find anywhere and Korg does not list them on their site either. Here is my observation concerning the Pa1X/PRO Wav ROM. The Triton Studio which is Korg's top of the line non-Arranger Keyboard has 48Mb PCM = (Pulse Code Modulation) ROM which is Korg's 'Hi-Synthesis' Sound Engine. The PCM ROM on the Triton Studio and the Pa1X/PRO is similar to Yamaha's WAV ROM format though they use different methods to acheive their results. Since the Triton Studio is Korg's Flagship non-Arranger Keyboard I would doubt very much if the Pa1X/PRO has more PCM ROM than the Triton Studio. With the Pa1X/PRO you can add additional ROM (up to 32Mb more) which is good.

Now here are my impressions of the recordings made by 'Wings':

I didn't like the Sax all that much. I didn't like the Distortion Guitar much at all. The Acoustic Grand Piano is better than the PA80 but still leaves something to be desired. The Violin is 'okay' - better than some other high end Arrangers. I really liked the Strings in the song "Fagre Stryn". They were rich and beautiful in tone IMO. I didn't like the Organ in Whiter Shade of Pale but the other Organ was pretty good. The Drums sounded good although their accuracy, ie., Tom's, Snare, Hi Hat, etc. were not acutely accurate IMO. They had a live sound but again the detail, ie., 'accuracy' was not up to how a real Drum Set sounds. I think the Tyros has more accurate Drum sounds than the Pa1X/PRO. My opinion of course.

I am not sure how 'Wings' recorded his demos (what equipment he used to record them) but I thought overall the sounds were missing something. It was almost as though I was hearing not 128 bit 44.1kHz Samples but maybe 64 bit 22.50kHz Samples. Sorry, but the demos lacked something to me. The quality was not what I had envisioned and expected them to be from Korg's Flagship Arranger. But that is no fault of 'Wings' because his chops are pretty good. The fault lies with Korg's Sound Engine IMO. When a Manufacturer makes a new Flagship Arranger/Keyboard they usually are very upfront as to what the Wav ROM is. The Tyros has 96 Mb's and Yamaha plasters that fact all over their web site. But Korg does not even mention it once anywhere on their entire site as to how much PCM ROM the Pa1X/PRO has. Sounds a little suspicious if you ask me. Have they got something to hide? Maybe it only has 32 Mb's of PCM ROM?? Maybe only 24 Mb's??? Sure, you can add up to 32 mb's more but how much do I have to start with? That is the question. It is apparently top secret information and Korg has made no attempt to 'declassify' that info. Much to the chagrin of the Music World.

Best regards,
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.