HI Jane,
I don't know anything about the patterns in the QY70, but the harmonizer issue is very complex. I am a NON standard arranger player.I like to play alot of manual bass lines and when I DO use the arranger - I want to trigger it with as FEW notes as is possible. My left hand is only usefull as a bassist. One ot two notes at a time is all I can handle! This presents the problem of triggering the harmonizer from the RIGHT hand, instead of the chord trigger, like they expect evryone to do. The tone & features on the internal harmonizer are top notch, but you cannot get the harmonies to "sustain" from the right hand without laying on the sustain pedal. This makes for a jumbled up mess from whatever sound you chord with. I use a lot of Rhodes and Organ sounds, and it's not possible to play like that. The notes all ring together. I've been trying a workaround - using the keyboard in FULL trigger mode. That way the chord section is triggering the harmonies, but it limits my playing style a bit. It's a trade off - I'm still not sure what I like better.
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