
Very, VERY funny. Obviously you have experienced all these things, as have I (I knew I should have become a drummer--although as a singer I also I don't get the coveted "musician" status!

What do you say to someone who asks to sit in that you know isn't a player? We played a party over the weekend that had a lot of people in attendannce who also see us at a local bar that we play at frequently. There was this one woman who has emailed me via our website several times saying she hopes one day she can sing with us. So she comes up to me at this party and starts pressing me on singing with us and she's already three sheets to the wind, and it's only 7pm. I ask her to sing a line from the song she wants to sing and she can't even say the words, let alone sing them. I don't want to be an ass, but what do I do? Say "hey, sorry, you're too drunk to sing?" (Then again it's never stopped ME before!).

I guess I should have just let her sing with us, because then she would have sucked and probably (hopefully) never bothered us again. What do you think?