Midi should be no problem as it requires little storage space; audio though would probably take up to much of the data bus and storage medium. (Particularly with hardware boards)
You could try just activating Midi record and letting it run to see what happens.
If I get the time I will try it on my Abacus, as it is just 2 button pushes to activate it, and it then runs independent of everything else. Audio is just as easy; however Wersi has set a time out of 20 minutes, so as not to use up too much disk space. (I am surprised they have not increased this time as it was implemented when the standard hard drive was just 8.4 GB, whereas now it’s 80 GB)
Certainly food for thought, nice one Diki

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).