Us solo Arranger Keyboard players are constantly seen as just a some guy playing a keyboard VS what the majority of people see at one of todays affairs...Whats that you say? ...DJ's !!!that are standing up, with 2 other guys and girl dancers running around. Flashing lights, fog machines, etc etc. So saturated is the public that when WE perform they think of us as "DJ"S!!! last week one of my clients says to me
" All these years I thought you were playing records" "I can't believe thats you singing and playing it sounds like a record" From the audience's view we do look like a DJ because people just see a square box in front of us that looks like a DJ COFFIN turntable rig. They have no idea what were doin, which is sad.
My good customers know because I have played for them for years but new younger crowds? Forget it!!If you wanna make it in the
AR KB/ Singer/ Entertainer business you have to be flexible and roll with the punches and mix it up that includes, singing and playing, live & with SMF songs, MP3/CD backing tracks, and doing a little DJ work thruout the night also. Standing up just gives you that energetic look that your in control of the audience. If you think its tiring your right, but then you could be working a "REAL" job. Next time you see a guy on a construction site, or up on a pole, or digging a ditch, in the freezing cold you'll appreciate what you do for a living as a musician, even if you have to
"STAND UP" and do what you love, Eat, and make people Happy. Stage Presence is part of the Total Package like it or not. You generate what the audience will respond to BIG TIME!!
But who am I ...just a Happy Entertainer doing my thing 400+ times a year....

Give them 200% every night and you won't go wrong!!

Carry On