Scott was kind enough to email and then call me Saturday. It was really appreciated. I had really wanted to get o NAMM, but got bogged down in a project for a major customer. I really wanted to see the new SD-5 to possibly replace my ancient MS-60.

Scott met up with a client of mine, and was extremely gracious. Scott, Ira already emailed me telling me how he enjoyed the visit.

Scott is also extremely understanding when it comes to my lack of knowledge in technical areas. My company is involved in a fair amount of commercial recording. We use a commercial studio called Toys in the Attic. I just write and play. My son is he technician. I know nothing about the equipment or software, other than the projects are dumped into an Avid editor to complete the film editing process. I'm the same way with digital cameras, graphics production software. I concentrate on doing the creative and letting Logan handle the rest.

Scott I really admire your level of knowledge
and your willingness to share. I fear, however, that I'm beyond help in several areas.

Man, it sucks getting old.
