
What REALLY impresses me lately, is that the site has taken on a bit more class with the return of several long term members who had either left, or were lurking because of re-occurring issues that had become a bit unpleasant.

These members, most of whom were here before me, have really brightened up the place, and have taken it in a new and positive direction.

I don't know what the catalyst was for their sudden en masse return, but I am glad it happened, and I hope any others that have been absent, will follow in their footsteps and add their voices and knowledge to this forum.

Judging by the posts I've read lately, and also several personal e-mails sent to me, I'm not the only one that is happy to see so many friends of this forum return to roost.

Maybe I'm being optimistic, but it seems much more civil here lately...I hope it continues.

Thanks, Nigel, for your open minded approach to forum surely keeps this place both interesting AND informative.

Ian the Impressed
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.