Daniel: As a T2 owner, let me try to answer your questions.

1. You should have a good deal of success converting from 3K to T2 because of similar sound sets, including megavoices. Some styles may need some tweaking. Donny (DNJ) has owned both {several times } so he may have some direct experience to share.

2. EMC Styleworks is the best at converting. However, major jumps between platforms (Roland-to-Yamaha) can be problematic and require some major rework. There are many web resources for you to see who may have already worked on the styles that interest you. Check out several Yahoo groups http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=psr+styles , especially, Yamaha PSR-Styles and Jørgen Sørensen web site has a listing of style sites at http://www.jososoft.dk/yamaha/stylesites.htm

3. Your link didn’t work so I can’t comment on it.

Good decision to not wait. Good luck with the T2, if you decide to move in that direction. I did, and am very pleased with my decision.