It's more about how one likes to work. I use Yamaha AW4416 h/d stand alone recorder. Though others that use the software all the time will probably dis agree...(BTW I have Sonar too on my PC but never use it)

Anyway for me....the AW is more straight forward and easy to use.....I push record and go. Whereas with the PC based sequencers for me there is alot more fooling around.....dropout latency problems, patches,midi or wav on and on.

What is fair to say though is the editing of a track isn't even comparable, the PC soft wins hands down. With the AW, although editing is possible it's a hassle and easier to just rerecord a mistake on a track.

So to me it's more in how you are more comfortable working. If you're an old dog like me, it's easier to do it the old way. If you were raised on computers you'll probably more likely like the PC based recording. Another real advantage to the PC based stuff is it's upgradable more easily and cheaper than buying a whole new stand alone unit. And a whole lot cheaper going in too.
jam on,

[This message has been edited by trtjazz (edited 11-01-2002).]
jam on,