I have a pair of c300 Mackies (the unpowered brothers) and I run my keys and band thru them with no problems whatsoever. You may lose some bass response because the SRM is a 12" two-way, but the bass is usually strong enough for me. Great speaker.

You might want to consider the Peavey Pr15p powered speaker, http://www.peavey.com/products/browse.cfm/action/detail/item/116441/number/00584080/cat/103/begin/1/PR%AE+15P++Class+H+Rail+Switching+Technology.cfm

or better yet the EV SXa250.
I love EVs, but they are pricier than any of the others. Good luck. http://electrovoice.com/productfamilies/52.html

[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 07-28-2007).]
Riding on the Avenue of Time