Originally posted by Craig_UK:
Hope one of the piano sounds was that Triton emulation lol

I actually used your custom voice: "DRY GRAND" and simply added Reverb (Hall2: 40), Chorus (Chorus6: 6), and DSP (Plate1:40), and resaved the voice: "Scott's Grand".

I played a small neighborhood block party yesterday thru only one EV (SxA100+) speaker, & the crowd commented how terrific the music sounded. Plenty of acoustic piano punch, rich presence & full volume. My long time beef about Yamaha keyboards & stereo phase cancellation has finally been resolved with Tyros2. I appreciate my Tyros2 more than ever now because I now have IMPRESSIVE sounding: stereo & mono output options.

Originally posted by Scott Langholff:
I didn't notice if you A/B'd those mono samples used both with one speaker and then with both speakers and what you experienced.

Hi ScottL: I'll send you my custom voice (Scott's Grand) and you can try it out yourself on your T2.


[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 07-30-2006).]