Thank you for listening and your coments too, Thank you Dnj.
Fran there is not a guitar mode, what I always try to do, is play with the logic that as an example the acoustic guitar should be play, never more than 6 notes simultaneosly, with a slide arpeggio either asending or desending but never like a piano could, all notes at the very same I tried to play it like that.
And yes, Scott, I first recorded in the T2 the intro-chord secuence using a stock(factory style) only a little manipulated and saved in my registration banks, then I play in real time the right hand, well, I use both to enable me to do what I did.
Dreamer thank you, you are also one of the best players I heard so far, thanks Tony Rome, I hope to see you in Can Cun, I did worked there but it was in 1976-1977, a very long time.....Thanks kbrkr, Stephenm52, Tony mads (and yes,I did played) , Eric B, renig for your kind words.
Scott Yee, let me know what program do you use to convert the wav to MP3 at resolution you said 192 kbps. I have the original wav, because I did also use the Tyros2 HD recorder, then I exported into my PC, so perhaps, I can re-coverted and replace the current uploaded version.