Sorry, Shakil, I disagree with you. No need to scream "people" at me either. At my age, level of play as a keyboardist, and experience with music and life in general, cut me a little more slack than that ok? Maybe you don't think that sounds are a top priority on an arranger but that is your opinion, not my reality. Others may agree or not, and that is perfectly OK, but either way, just because you say it, doesn't make it so for me. Unfortunately, I can't help but sometimes feel a bit of the same bias here toward arranger users who don't use the boards in a real time, live setting, as I do from so called "pro" workstation users who want to believe that boards like the PA80 and PSR, VA, Solton series ( etc etc ) are like Casio toys of the 80s.. There are others out here using arrangers that don't use them strictly as a tool for entertaining in a solo act. I have ABSOLUTELY no argument with any of you guys / gals who use them that way either, but there are also those of us who may have different priorities. I tend to address needs in an arranger as a player who does not primarily entertain live, and I have made that clear often enough here from day one. I don't WANT to drag a sampler or rack full of equipment with me when I'm composing or just even jamming away from home or in a room at home other than in my home studio...that's the whole point for me.., but I still want good sounds all the time, so yes that IS my primary concern with an arranger. Arranger functions are also important to me too, but not for the same reasons or with the same priorities as they are for a person who buys a board mainly for use in a live act.

I do play out from time to time though, so I do my homework before I go. I could definitely use the PA80 as my primary solo / duet act board if necessary. My registrations are set in advance in any board I use for what I'm going to do. The rest is simply playing with both hands on the keyboard and entertaining. I can ( and have ) fixed the styles to suit my needs and set up registrations in advance if I want to use the board in a live setting, it doesn't take much for me, but again as I've said in previous threads, yes... for quick out of the box use in a live setting with less tweaking and easier control of functions, I prefer my PSR2000. But it does not compare with nor will it ever replace my PA80.

Uncle Dave, your comment about the PA80 being a workstation echoes what I have thought and said about the PA80 all along. I have always thought of it as a workstation that happens to have arranger functions and speakers, minus true expansion features, ( That is where i use my Sampling gear anyway ). I guess for this reason, I don't feel as if Korg pulled a fast one on me at all. The PA80 has just what I've always wanted in a board. My only real argument with Korg is that when it was released originally, it was very incomplete and lacking somewhat in features, but this is not the case ( at least for my needs ) anymore.


[This message has been edited by Bluezplayer (edited 12-07-2001).]