Talking about old music . . . I went to a site about a week ago that listed the top 100 hits for each year from 1950 through 2000. I knew almost every song in the top 100 from about 1965 to 1975, then my recognition began to drop sharply. I knew probaly 15 songs from 1980, and only a few out of the top 100 for each year in the 1990's.

That adds up to a lot of songs but professionals that EARN their living making music have got to know most of the top 100 for each year if they want to keep making money. Playing music is fun but for some on this forum keeping up a repertoire is plain hard work. I know hundreds of songs but I'm not current. I probably know bits and pieces of a thousand but that doesn't help much if you're doing this full time.

As a Technical Writer, I keep up with technology, software, hardware, etc. and that's work, too. I often envy those that play keyboard for a living but I know it's not a bed of roses . . . and I think I'm personally better off writing than I would be trying to jump-start a music career.

It might be interesting to take notebook and write down all of the songs you know for each year in the 1990's (hope you do better than me).

Some see, some don't, some will, some won't