I always thought "Gig" gave celebtity status to playing music and entertaining with music in general. Bricklayers don't do gigs they have a real bad invironment to slave (work) in...

I thought gigs separated the celebrity entertainter from the common lay person. Gigs are also performed by vocalist that do not know an "F" from a "Bb" ( so I call them entertainer vocalist not musicians).

Take my word for it playing music is much more glamorous and fun than working from 8 to 5 in 97 degrees with 97 percent humidity on any construction site doing any part of construction.

Thus the word "Gig" is cool and is special lingo for musicians and vocalist alike and I want it to stick. Hope Dave still likes me and will continue to help me. I need him.

We don't have to agree on everything do we Dave. I like Brunettes!! Ha! Ha!
I'm not prejudiced, I hate everybody!! Ha ha! My Sister-In-Law had this tee shirt. She was a riot!!!