I have a question now about this. Could someone who's familiar with the PSR 9000 answer? Let's assume that the PSR 2000 is like the PSR 9000 as far as flash memory. With the PSR 740, if the 3 USER Styles are occupied, and I want to add a style on the fly during a performance, I

1. Press LOAD to access styles on the floppy,
2. scroll with the wheel to the style I want,
3. press NEXT
4. Press NEXT again to replace the first user style
5. Press EXIT

If the USER styles are all occupied on the PSR 9000 and you want to access a style from the floppy, is it much the same? My fear is that an error message comes up saying: FLASH FULL! I'm afraid of this, because if I want to add a style during the performance, and a bank is full, I would have to take the extra step of deleting a style to make room for the new one. It already takes too much time to add styles from floppy on the PSR 740. I can just manage to do this without my audience getting restless. Any extra time involved in deleting files to make room for new ones would make this operation undoable.

I'm super happy that they got rid of the PSR 740 sound effects on the multi pads. How decisively cheesy that was! I remember when I first got the keyboard and I was performing Zipadee Doo Dah with the Gipsy Swing setting (I think this was the style), and I pressed the one-touch multipad for this style and found out it was Horror sound effects. The senile old folks in my audience were turning their heads to figure out where the ghosts and monsters were coming from.


Thanks in advance for an answer on this.
