I read the list of lists from the responders to Fran’s ‘toys’ question and said to myself, “what the fxxx do these guys do with all this equipment?” From the perspective of one who spent 35 years in the mental health business, these behaviors seem to border on a pathological compulsiveness. As I went through the day, I started to mentally list all the equipment I have had over just the past several years and discovered that I’m one of them! My list was just as long and I was obsessing about procuring more stuff. For example, as soon as I saw the photo of the Yamaha UF7, I was drooling to get that and hook it up to the Midjay to lighten my carrying load …
This all reminded me of the stories of the great lover, Don Juan. In one of the stories - the one depicted in Richard Strauss’ tone poem “Don Juan”, the lover “suffers” through many romantic liaisons in search of the perfect woman, ultimately destroying himself when he discovers that she doesn’t exist. No chance of anyone snuffing him/herself over equipment, but here we are - continually searching for that perfect combination of boards, sound systems, software, hardware, gadgets, toys etc, etc. We are a bunch of sick puppies … and lovin’ it.
So, Donnie, what do think about that combination UF7 and Midjay? Sure would lighten the load … I was thinking of having Bennie Cintioli install the Master Sound bass mechanism in the keyboard then I would never need another piece of equipment - ever – ah …, except if Korg would offer the PA1X as a module … or if Yamaha ...................
