40 years ago I worked for a Hammond Organ dealer...They had great players[piano and organ] on the staff..
The most sucessfull sales person[my manager] did not play, but he was the best salesman I have ever seen..He trained me, and his theory still is with me, and it really works.."Sell the sizzle and not the steak"..
Keyboards today have so many features, they can overcome a customer...sure knowing the product is important, but when you are showing the product you better show how a feature will make the customer a happy camper..
You can demo a unit and show a million features at the hands of an experienced and knowlegeable sales person....but when you apply the features in the hands of a customer...then you have a sale..
Not because they are able to play a background to a song they can play and recognize, but because it fullfills a joy and excitement within them..with an accomplishment,they could not imagined...It makes them feel good..

My old manager, used a simple playing step that had every member of the family playing a simple tune in a few minutes...there was no need to showboat how well we played..after all we do not come with the purchase of the organ[and today's arrangers].
But the look of satisfaction on a youngsters face,after he played a tune on this new Hammond, or even better the look on the parent's faces..this excitement and pride is the sizzle...even though the Hammond represented the steaak[Big time]..
If you are in sales..any sales, this principal applies..