I've finally booked some senior dances, with the very 1st one coming up next week. I think I have everything nailed except the latins. After checking out a few of these dances, it seems that the big 3 are rumba, cha-cha, and tango.

While the SD1 doesn't have a rumba style per se, it does have a nice bolero, which should work fine for rumba by bumping the tempo up to 105 or so. What I'm not sure about is the beguine. Is beguine a style that can be uses for a rumba dance, or is there a specific beguine dance? (I have some really good beguine patterns )

On one hand, some of this doesn't matter... latin is latin. But for dancing, some of these seniors are sticklers; they've been around for awhile (ages ~ 68-88) taken Arthur Murrey dance lessons, and they know "what's right" . Any help appreciated... thx
