Originally posted by keybplayer:
I take it that means no, huh?

Your lips are sealed I guess. Well, I suppose we'll have to find out for ourselves after NAMM kicks off. Or if there is nothing from GEM then..

Best regards,

Oops, forgot to respond to that. Sorry.

No new arrangers at the moment. However we are not showing up empty handed in the ‘what’s new and exciting’ department. We will be showing the new ‘X Series’ expander modules along with our other products. Both modules are powered by our DRAKE processor which is the same processor used in the Promega series and RP/pRP series digital pianos. Both modules are half-rack space in size with a very easy user interface and are accompanied by a PC visual editor to control the deeper functions. The RP-X is dedicated to acoustic piano and vintage electro-acoustic keyboards featuring the same physical modeling technology of our professional stage pianos. The GM-X is a General MIDI compatible module that again takes advantage of the power of DRAKE to offer some of the best sounds available for multi-timbral use.

I am very excited about finally being able to offer the incredible piano sounds of the Promega series in a sound module. Many people have been asking for this for quite some time so I think it will be a real hit. The RP-X has already started shipping in Europe and the response has been excellent.

Best Regards,


Wm. David McMahan
Nat'l Product and Support Manager
Generalmusic USA
GEM Community Forums