The model I'm surprised you didn't mention is the new roland RD700. This is the best roland piano out there. It has the 128 note polyphony, graded hamer action, easy to use and unlike other models it has pitch bend, mod wheel, aftertouch and comes with hundreds of their best sounds including drums, brass, guitars, and has room for two expansion boards. It also does simple splits and layers and has a built in drummer. All this for around $1795.00. A bargain.
Also, Roland makes the FP3 which is also their graded hammer action with great piano and other keyboard sounds but also with some guitars, brass, strings, easy splits and also includes a basic arranger section with some preset accomp. styles for around $1200.00.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)