Six-trak MIDI Implementation - partial. (December 28, 1983) Received Data STATUS DATABYTE #1 DATABYTE #2 (hex/binary) Bn/ 1011 nnnn parameter # parameter value Parameter Change (if enabled) Bn/ 1011 nnnn 01/ 0000 0001 mod amount Modulation amount (if enabled) Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7A/ 0111 1010 00/ 0000 0000 Local off Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7A/ 0111 1010 7F/ 0111 1111 Local on Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7B/ 0111 1011 00/ 0000 0000 All notes off Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7C/ 0111 1100 00/ 0000 0000 Omni Mode off, All notes off (Mode 3) Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7D/ 0111 1101 00/ 0000 0000 Omni Mode on, All notes off (Mode 1) Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7E/ 0111 1110 00/ 0000 0000 Mono Mode on/ Poly mode off, All notes off (Mode 4) Bn/ 1011 nnnn 7F/ 0111 1111 00/ 0000 0000 Poly mode on/ Mono Mode off, All notes off (Mode 3 ?) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE (hex/binary) Program Dump request: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 00/ 0000 0000 (Request) pp/ pppp pppp (Program #) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) ---------- Program Dump Receive: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 05/ 0000 0101 (SixTrak id) pp/ pppp pppp (Program #) data (16 bytes, transmitted as 32 4bit nibbles. See table 1, page 10) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) ---------- Select Double Mode: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 7B/ 0111 1011 (Select Channel) 0c/ 0000 cccc (channel #) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) [This message sets the basic MIDI channel to 'c'. It also enables wheels, program change, and parameter change send/receives and selects Mode 4 (Omni off/mono on).] ---------- Wheel enable: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 7C/ 0111 1100 (Enable) 0v/ 0000 vvvv (Voice #) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) [If Mode 4, enables wheels on voice 'v'.] ---------- Wheel disable: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 7D/ 0111 1101 (Disable) 0v/ 0000 vvvv (Voice #) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) [If Mode 4, disables wheels on voice 'v'.] ---------- Enable all MIDI send/receives: F0/ 1111 0000 (SysEx start) 01/ 0000 0001 (SCI id) 7E/ 0111 1110 (Enable) F7/ 1111 0111 (SysEx end) [This forces all send/receives to be enabled, including wheels, program changes, and parameter changes.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Six-trak parameter table: Controller # Parameter name # of bits resolution 1 Mod wheel 5 2 Osc coarse freq 6 3 Osc fine freq 5 4 Osc glide rate 4 5 Osc LFO (off/on) 1 6 Osc env amount 4 7 Osc env invert 1 8 Osc env attack 4 9 Osc env decay 4 10 Osc env sustain 4 11 Osc env release 4 12 Osc sawtooth 1 13 Osc triangle 1 14 Osc pulse 1 15 Osc pulse width 6 16 Osc pulse lfo mod 1 17 Lfo freq 4 18 Lfo prog amount 5 19 Lfo tri/square wave 1 20 Osc/noise mixer 5 21 Filt cutoff freq 7 22 Filt resonance 6 23 Filt env amount 4 24 Filt env invert 1 25 Filt env attack 4 26 Filt env decay 4 27 Filt env sustain 4 28 Filt env release 4 29 Filt lfo mod 1 30 Filt keyboard amount 2(off/half/on) 31 Filt-osc tri mod amount 6 32 Amp attack 4 33 Amp decay 4 34 Amp sustain 4 35 Amp release 4 36 Voice volume 4 37 Unison 1 All controller data (apart from the Mod wheel) is Left justified (ie a 1 bit number actually toggles between 0 and 64 rather than 0 and 1)