QUADRAVERB 2 MIDI SYSEX SPECIFICATION 11/13/95 SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE FORMAT The QuadraVerb 2 MIDI System Exclusive message format is as follows: F0 System exclusive status 00 00 0E Alesis manufacturer id# 0F QuadraVerb id# cc Opcode dd Data : : : : F7 End-Of-Exclusive OPCODES: 01 - MIDI Edit F0 00 00 0E 0F 01 F7 = 0= PARAMETER, 1= MIX, 2= GLOBAL, 3= TYPE* = (1-8) # of block to be edited. Doesn't matter for GLOBAL edits. = (1-#of last page under function) page # for value to be edited. = (1-#of last parameter on page) parameter # of value is in format described below. It is a 16-bit value, which is transmitted in three MIDI bytes, LSB first. TWO QUADRAVERB 2 BYTES: 0: A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 (LSB) 1: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 (MSB) TRANSMITTED AS: 0: 0 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 1: 0 A0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 2: 0 B1 B0 0 0 0 0 0 * Editing of a flashing TYPE parameter should be followed by an 'ENTER' MIDI sysex message (0B). 02 - MIDI User Program Dump F0 00 00 0E 0E 02 F7 = 0..99 selects individual user bank 0 programs, 100 selects edit is in a packed format in order to optimize data transfer. Eight MIDI bytes are used to transmit each block of 7 QuadraVerb 2 data bytes. If the 7 data bytes are looked at as one 56-bit word, the format for transmission is eight 7-bit words beginning with the most significant bit of the first byte, as follows: SEVEN QUADRAVERB 2 BYTES: 0: A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 2: C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 C2 C1 C0 3: D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 4: E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 5: F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 6: G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 TRANSMITTED AS: 0: 0 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 1: 0 A0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 2: 0 B1 B0 C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 3: 0 C2 C1 C0 D7 D6 D5 D4 4: 0 D3 D2 D1 D0 E7 E6 E5 5: 0 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 F7 F6 6: 0 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 F0 G7 7: 0 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 There are 306 data bytes sent for a single program dump, which corresponds to 256 bytes of program data. With the header, the total number of bytes transmitted with a program dump is 314. The location of each parameter within a program dump is shown in the next section: QuadraVerb 2 Program Data Format. 03 - MIDI User Bank 0 Program Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 0F 03 F7 = 0..99 selects individual user programs in User Bank 0, 100 selects current edit, 101 is a dump all request When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message with a MIDI user program dump (02) of the User Bank 0 program or edit selected. For the dump all request User Bank 0 programs are dumped as individual program dumps (02) followed by all User Bank 1 programs dumped as individual program dumps (0C), a global parameter dump (07), and finally a MIDI program table dump (11). 07 - MIDI Global Data Dump F0 00 00 0E 0F 07 F7 is in the same MIDI data format as described in 02, but with a different number of bytes due to the difference in the global parameter size.The global parameters for the MIDI dump are packed into 14 Quadraverb 2 bytes (see below) and transferred as 16 MIDI bytes. The last byte packs the most significant bit of the footswitch head parameter into bit address 13:0 and the msb of the footswitch tail into bit address 13:1. The following table outlines this: GLOBAL PARAMETER PACKING: Parameter name lo lim hi lim bits bit address LCD contrast 1 10 8 0:7-0:0 Footswitch range head LSB* 0 299 8 1:7-1:0 Footswitch range tail LSB* 0 299 8 2:7-3:0 VU meter peak hold 0 1 8 3:7-3:0 Input audio source 0 1 8 4:7-4:0 Sample clock source 0 1 8 5:7-5:0 Digital left input channel 1 8 8 6:7-6:0 Digital right input channel 1 8 8 7:7-7:0 Digital left output channel 1 8 8 8:7-8:0 Digital right output channel 1 8 8 9:7-9:0 Digital output mode 0 1 8 10:7-10:0 Tap tempo footswitch 0 2 8 11:7-11:0 Global direct signal 0 1 8 12:7-12:0 Footswitch range head MSB, tail MSB* 0 299 2 13:1-13:0 *The MSBs for the footswitch parameters are stored in bit address 13:1 and13:0. Bits 13:7 through 13:2 should be set to 0. 08 - MIDI Global Data Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 0F 08 F7 When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message with a MIDI global data dump (07). 09 - MIDI Bypass or Compare F0 00 00 0E 0F 09 F7 = 0= BYPASS, 1= COMPARE = 0= function off, 1= function on When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message by turning BYPASS/COMPARE OFF/ON. 0A - MIDI DSP Error Message F0 00 00 0E 0F 0A F7 = 1= "EFFECT MEMORY IS FULL" 2= "OUT OF LFOs" 4= "DSP IS FULL" 8= "BLOCK COMBINATION NOT ALLOWED" 0B - MIDI Enter Message F0 00 00 0E 0F 0B F7 This performs the ENTER function on the current parameter. It is useful for acting on flashing parameters. 0C - MIDI User Bank 1 Program Dump F0 00 00 0E 0E 0C F7 = 0..99 selects individual User Bank 1 programs, 100 selects edit is the same format as the of the User Bank 0 Dump opcode (02) 0D - MIDI User Bank 1 Program Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 0F 0DF7 = 0..99 selects individual user programs in User Bank 1, 100 selects current edit, 101 is a dump all request When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message with a MIDI user program dump (0C) of the User Bank 1 program or edit selected. For the dump all request User Bank 0 programs are dumped as individual program dumps (02) followed by all User Bank 1 programs dumped as individual program dumps (0C), a global parameter dump (07), and finally a MIDI program table dump (11). 0F - MIDI Block Bypass Dump F0 00 00 0E 0F 0F F7 is in format described below. It is an 8-bit value, which is transmitted in two MIDI bytes. Bit A7 corresponds to the block bypass of block #8, likewise, A6 corresponds to block #7 ... and A0 corresponds to block#1. If thebit value= 1, the block is bypassed; if the bit value= 0, the block is not bypassed. ONE QUADRAVERB 2 BYTE: 0: A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 TRANSMITTED AS: 0: 0 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 1: 0 A0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 - MIDI Block Bypass Dump Request F0 00 00 0E 0F 10 F7 When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message with a MIDI Block Bypass Dump (0F). 11 - MIDI Program Table Dump F0 00 00 0E 0F 11 F7 is in format described below. The 128 MIDI program table entries are 9-bits each, and are transmitted in two MIDI bytes. Values in the range 0-99 correspond to Presets 0-99, values 100-199 correspond to User bank 0 programs 0-99, and values 200-299 correspond to User bank 1 programs 0-99. TWO QUADRAVERB 2 MIDI TABLE ENTRIES: 0: A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A8 2: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B8 TRANSMITTED AS: 0: 0 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 A8 A7 2: 0 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 B8 B7 12 - MIDI Program Table DumpRequest F0 00 00 0E 0F 12 F7 When received, the QuadraVerb 2 will respond to this message with a MIDI Program Table Dump (11). PARAMETER FORMAT The following specific parameter information shows the locations in which each parameter resides after unpacking the data from its 7 bit MIDI format into the 8 bit format as described in opcode 02, program data dump. GLOBAL DATA FORMAT The Global parameters are comprised of 14 bytes of data. Unlike the Program, the Global parameters are not packed. This results in unused bits for most global bytes. These bits must remain at 0. For direct parameter editing (sysex command 01H), the Page# and Parameter# are given in the table below. The Function# should be set to 2 (=Global), and the Block# should be 1-8. # Parameter name Page Parm lo lim hi lim bits bit address 0. LCD contrast 1 1 1 10 8 0:7-0:0 1. Footswitch range head 2 1 0 299 16 2:7-1:0 2. Footswitch range tail 2 2 0 299 16 4:7-3:0 3. VU meter peak hold 3 1 0 1 8 5:7-5:0 4. Input audio source 4 1 0 1 8 6:7-6:0 5. Sample clock source 5 1 0 1 8 7:7-7:0 6. Digital left input channel 6 2 1 8 8 8:7-8:0 7. Digital right input channel 6 3 1 8 8 9:7-9:0 8. Digital left output channel 6 4 1 8 8 10:7-10:0 9. Digital right output channel 6 1 1 8 8 11:7-11:0 10. Digital output mode 7 1 0 1 8 12:7-12:0 11. Tap tempo footswitch 8 1 0 2 8 13:7-13:0 12. Global direct signal 9 1 0 1 8 14:7-14:0 QUADRAVERB 2 PROGRAM DATA FORMAT Programs contain 256 bytes of packed parameter data. The first 92 bytes are common parameters for all programs. The next 164 bytes depend on the number of bytes required for parameters of the effect blocks and the number of routes enabled. Usually, not all of these bytes are used, and in this case the end of the routing is designated by 0FFH, 0FFH. Only numbers with negative offsets are in 2's complement form. # Parameter name lo lim hi lim bits byte:msb-byte:lsb PROGRAM NAME: 0. Program name ASCII digit 0 32 127 8 0:7-0:0 .. 13. Program name ASCII digit 13 32 127 8 13:7-13:0 BLOCK TYPES: 14a. Block 1 type definition 0 4 * 3 14:7-14:5 14b. Block 1 subtype definition 0 ** 5 14:4-14:0 15a. Block 2 type definition 0 4 * 3 15:7-15:5 .. 20b. Block 7 subtype definition 0 ** 5 20:4-20:0 21a. Block 8 type definition 0 4 * 3 21:7-21:5 21b. Block 8 subtype definition 0 ** 5 21:4-21:0 * Block type definitions are given in the next section: Block type definitions ** The upper limit and definition for the block subtype depend on the block type. The upper limit and definition for the subtype are given in the section: Block subtype defintions MODULATION: 22. Mod. 1 source 0 129 * 8 22:7-22:0 23. Mod. 1 target block # 1 11 ** 8 23:7-23:0 24a. Mod. 1 target type: parameter, route, or mix 0 2 *** 2 24:7-24:6 24b. Mod. 1 target # 0 *** 6 24:5-24:0 25. Mod. 1 amplitude -99 +99 8 25:7-25:0 26. Mod. 2 source 0 129 * 8 26:7-26:0 .. 49. Mod. 7 amplitude -99 +99 8 49:7-49:0 50. Mod. 8 source 0 129 * 8 50:7-50:0 51. Mod. 8 target block # 1 11 ** 8 51:7-51:0 52a. Mod. 8 target type: parameter, route, or mix 0 2 *** 2 52:7-52:6 52b. Mod. 8 target # 0 *** 6 52:5-52:0 53. Mod. 8 amplitude -99 +99 8 53:7-53:0 * Definitions of the modulation sources are in the section: Modulation source definitions ** Target block # definition: 1 = block 1, ..., 8 = block 8, 9 = left out, 10 = right out, 11 = mix parameters. *** Definitions of the modulation targets are in the section: Modulation target definitions BLOCK MIXES: 54. Direct level 0 100 8 54:7-54:0 55. Block 1 level 0 100 8 55:7-55:0 56. Block 1 inmix level 0 100 8 56:7-56:0 57. Block 2 level 0 100 8 57:7-57:0 .. 68. Block 7 inmix level 0 100 8 68:7-68:0 69. Block 8 level 0 100 8 69:7-69:0 70. Block 8 inmix level 0 100 8 70:7-70:0 71. Master effects level 0 100 8 71:7-71:0 LOCAL GENERATORS: 72. Generator 1 type 0 4 * 8 72:7-72:0 73. Generator 1 trigger source channel 0 2 ** 8 73:7-73:0 74. Generator 1 attack threshold -32 0 8 74:7-74:0 75. Generator 1 release threshold -48 0 8 75:7-75:0 76. Generator 1 attack time 0 250 *** 8 76:7-76:0 77. Generator 1 release / decay time or period 0 250 *** 8 77:7-77:0 78. Generator 1 input gain 0 99 8 78:7-78:0 79. Generator 1 envelope hold time 0 250 *** 8 79:7-79:0 80. Generator 1 footswitch source 0 1 8 80:7-80:0 81. Generator 1 footswitch mode 0 1 8 81:7-81:0 82. Generator 2 type 0 4 * 8 82:7-82:0 83. Generator 2 trigger source channel 0 2 ** 8 83:7-83:0 84. Generator 2 attack threshold -32 0 8 84:7-84:0 85. Generator 2 release threshold -48 0 8 85:7-85:0 86. Generator 2 attack time 0 250 *** 8 86:7-86:0 87. Generator 2 release / decay time or period 0 250 *** 8 77:7-77:0 88. Generator 2 input gain 0 99 8 88:7-88:0 89. Generator 2 envelope hold time 0 250 *** 8 89:7-89:0 90. Generator 2 footswitch source 0 1 8 90:7-90:0 91. Generator 2 footswitch mode 0 1 8 91:7-91:0 * Generator type: 0 = Envelope generator, 1 = Peak follower, 2 = Ramp, 3 = LFO, 4 = Footswitch ** Trigger source channel: 0 = Left channel, 1 = Right channel, 2 = Left & Right channels *** This number is multiplied by 0.04 to get the decay in seconds. BLOCK PARAMETERS 92. Parameter #1 for 1st defined block* (MSB) ** ** ** ** 93. Parameter #1 for 1st defined block* (LSB)*** ** ** ** ** 94. Parameter #2 for 1st defined block* (MSB) ** ** ** ** .. * Block parameters are not stored for blocks that are off. Parameters are stored in order of appearance on the Quadraverb 2 display - by block #, parameter page #, and from left to right within the page; the 1st stored parameter appears on the display at the left most block that is not off, on it's 1st parameter page, at the left. ** The parameter definitions are given for each block type and subtype in the section: Block parameter definitions *** Exists only if the block parameter requires two bytes. BLOCK ROUTING 92* Route #1 position byte (LSB) 0 255 ** 8 92*:7-92*:0 93* Route #1 position byte (MSB) 0 1 ** 1 93*:7-93*:7 93* Route #1 level 0 58 *** 7 93*:6-93*:0 94* Route #2 position byte (LSB) 0 255 ** 8 94*:7-94*:0 .. * This number is offset by the number of block parameter bytes that are stored. ** An equation for calculating the route position byte is given in the section: Route position definitions *** This number has a corresponding dB level given by the table in the section: Route level definitions BLOCK BYPASS 255a. Block Bypass for block #1 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:0-255:0 255b.Block Bypass for block #2 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:1-255:1 255c. Block Bypass for block #3 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:2-255:2 255d.Block Bypass for block #4 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:3-255:3 255e. Block Bypass for block #5 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:4-255:4 255f. Block Bypass for block #6 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:5-255:5 255g.Block Bypass for block #7 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:6-255:6 255h.Block Bypass for block #8 (1= Bypassed) 0 1 1 255:7-255:7 TYPE DATA FORMAT The number of Type parameters, and their location depend on whether the selectted block is defined or off . The Type parameters are not packed. This results in unused bits for most parameters. These bits must remain at 0. For direct parameter editing (sysex command 01H), the Page# and Parameter# are given in the table below. The Function# should be set to 3 (=Type), and the Block# should be 1-8. For blocks that are off: # Parameter name Page Parm lo lim hi lim bits bit address 0. Block type 1 1 0 4 8 0:7-0:0 1. Block move source 2 1 1 8 8 1:7-1:0 2. Block move destination 2 2 1 8 8 2:7-2:0 3. Block copy / paste 3 1 0 1 8 3:7-3:0 For blocks that are defined: # Parameter name Page Parm lo lim hi lim bits bit address 0. Block type 1 1 0 4 8 0:7-0:0 1. Block subtype 2 1 0 * 8 1:7-1:0 2. Block move source 3 1 1 8 8 2:7-2:0 3. Block move destination 3 2 1 8 8 3:7-3:0 4. Block copy / paste 4 1 0 1 8 4:7-4:0 * The high limit depends on the block type, see the table Block subtype definitions. BLOCK TYPE DEFINITIONS This table defines the block types for a given parameter: Parameter: Block type: 0 OFF 1 EQ 2 PCH 3 DLY 4 RVB BLOCK SUBTYPE DEFINITIONS These tables define the block subtypes for a given parameter. Different block subtype tables are defined for each block type. Type = EQ Parameter: Block subtype 0 Lowpass filter 1 Bandpass filter 2 Highpass filter 3 Lowpass shelf eq 4 1 Band low parametric 5 1 Band high parametric 6 Highpass shelf eq 7 2 Band sweep shelf eq 8 3 Band parametric eq 9 4 Band parametric eq 10 5 Band graphic eq 11 Resonator 12 Mono tremolo 13 Stereo tremolo 14 Stereo simulator 15 Soft overdrive 16 Hard overdrive 17 Triggered Panning 18 Phase Inverter Type = PCH Parameter: Block subtype 0 Mono chorus 1 Stereo chorus 2 Quad chorus 3 Mono flanging 4 Stereo flanging 5 Phasor 6 Mono lezlie 7 Stereo lezlie 8 Pitch shifter 9 Pitch detune 10 Ring modulator 11 Mono triggered flange 12 Stereo triggered flange Type = DLY Parameter: Block subtype 0 Mono delay 1 Stereo delay 2 Ping pong delay 3 Multi tap delay 4 Tap tempo mono delay 5 Tap tempo ping pong delay 6 Sampling Type = RVB Parameter: Block subtype 0 Mono room 1 Room 1 2 Hall 1 3 Plate 1 4 Chamber 1 5 Room 2 6 Hall 2 7 Plate 2 8 Chamber 2 9 Large plate 10 Large room 11 Spring 12 Nonlinear 13 Reverse MODULATION SOURCE DEFINITIONS Parameter: Block subtype 0 Pitch bend 1 After touch 2 Note number 3 Note velocity 4 Controller 000 ... .. 127 Controller 123 128 Local generator 1 129 Local generator 2 MODULATION TARGET DEFINITIONS The modulation target type and target # make up an 8 bit word: TTNNNNNN (where TT denotes the target type and NNNNNN denotes the target #). The targets are for the effect block or mix specified by the target block #. TT Modulation target type 00 Block parameter 01 Route level 10 Mix level If TT = 00 NNNNNN Modulation target parameter 0 Parameter #1 1 Parameter #2 ... .. 32 Parameter #33 If TT = 01 NNNNNN Modulation target route 0 In left 1 In right 2 Block 1 inmix 3 Block 1 mix 4 Block 1 left 5 Block 1 right 6 Block 2 inmix ... .. 33 Block 8 right If TT = 10 NNNNNN Modulation target mix 0 Direct level 1 Block 1 out level 2 Block 1 inmix level 3 Block 2 out level 4 Block 2 inmix level ... .. 16 Block 8 inmix level 17 Master fx level BLOCK PARAMETER DEFINITIONS These parameters are packed as 8 or 16 bit words MSB first in programs, but are always considered 16 bit words LSB first in parameter edits. EQ: Parameter Page Param Bytes Low limit Hi limit Step LOWPASS FILTER: type = 1, subtype = 0 lowpass fc 1 1 2 20 10,000 10 BANDPASS FILTER: type = 1, subtype = 1 bandpass fc 1 1 2 20 4,000 10 bw 1 2 1 20 200 1 HIGHPASS FILTER: type = 1, subtype = 2 highpass fc 1 1 2 200 20,000 10 LOWPASS SHELF EQ: type = 001, subtype = 3 lowpass 1 1 2 20 10,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 1 BAND LOW PARAMETRIC: type = 1, subtype = 4 bandpass 1 1 2 20 2,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 oct 1 3 1 20 200 1 1 BAND HIGH PARAMETRIC: type = 1, subtype = 5 bp 1 1 2 1500 10,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 oct 1 3 1 20 250 1 HIGHPASS SHELF EQ: type = 1, subtype = 6 highpass 1 1 2 100 20,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 2 BAND SWEEP SHELF EQ: type = 1, subtype = 7 lowpass 1 1 2 20 10,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 highpass 2 1 2 100 20,000 10 gain 2 2 2 -140 +140 1 3 BAND PARAMETRIC EQ: type = 1, subtype = 8 lowpass 1 1 2 20 10,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 mid band 2 1 2 20 2,000 1 dB 2 2 2 -140 +140 1 oct 2 3 1 20 200 1 highpass 3 1 2 100 20,000 10 gain 3 2 2 -140 +140 1 4 BAND PARAMETRIC EQ: type = 1, subtype = 9 lowpass 1 1 2 20 10,000 10 gain 1 2 2 -140 +140 1 low mid 2 1 2 20 2,000 1 dB 2 2 2 -140 +140 1 oct 2 3 1 20 200 1 high mid 3 1 2 1500 10,000 10 dB 3 2 2 -140 +140 1 oct 3 3 1 20 250 1 highpass 4 1 2 100 20,000 10 gain 4 2 2 -140 +140 1 5 BAND GRAPHIC EQ: type = 1, subtype = 10 63Hz 1 1 1 -14 +14 1 250Hz 1 2 1 -14 +14 1 1KHz 1 3 1 -14 +14 1 4KHz 1 4 1 -14 +14 1 16kHz 1 5 1 -14 +14 1 RESONATOR: type = 1, subtype = 11 tuning 1 1 1 0 60 1 decay 1 2 1 0 99 1 MONO TREMOLO: type = 1, subtype = 12 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 shape 1 3 1 0 1 1 STEREO TREMOLO: type = 1, subtype = 13 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 shape 1 3 1 0 1 1 STEREO SIMULATOR: type = 1, subtype = 14 degrees 1 1 1 0 99 1 SOFT OVERDRIVE type = 1, subtype =15 effect mix 1 1 1 0 99 1 brightness 2 1 1 0 99 1 dirve level 2 2 1 10 110 1 HARD OVERDRIVE type = 1, subtype =16 effect mix 1 1 1 0 99 1 brightness 2 1 1 0 99 1 dirve level 2 2 1 10 110 1 TRIGGERED PANNING type = 1, subtype =17 (modulation trig. 1 parm) 1 1 1 0 1 1 (modulation trig. 2 parm) 1 2 1 0 1 1 speed 1 3 1 0 99 1 doppler 1 4 1 0 99 1 distance 1 5 1 0 99 1 retrigger point 2 1 1 0 255 1 sweeping mode 3 1 1 0 1 1 trigger source 4 1 1 0 4 1 PHASE INVERTER type = 1, subtype =18 output phase 1 1 1 0 4 1 PCH: Parameter Page Param Bytes Low limit Hi limit Step MONO CHORUS: type = 2, subtype = 0 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 3 1 0 99 1 chorus predelay 2 1 1 0 100 1 STEREO CHORUS: type = 2, subtype = 1 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 3 1 0 99 1 predelay chr1 2 1 1 0 100 1 chr2 2 2 1 0 100 1 QUAD CHORUS: type = 2, subtype = 2 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 3 1 0 99 1 predelay chr1 2 1 1 0 100 1 chr2 2 2 1 0 100 1 predelay chr3 3 1 1 0 100 1 chr4 3 2 1 0 100 1 MONO FLANGING: type = 2, subtype = 3 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 3 1 -99 99 1 flanging shape 2 1 1 0 1 1 STEREO FLANGING: type = 2, subtype = 4 speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 3 1 -99 99 1 flanging shape 2 1 1 0 1 1 PHASOR: type = 2, subtype = 5 phasor speed 1 1 1 0 99 1 depth 1 2 1 0 99 1 MONO LEZLIE: type = 2, subtype = 6 lezlie motor 1 1 1 0 1 1 speed 1 2 1 0 1 1 high rotor level 2 1 1 -12 +6 1 STEREO LEZLIE: type = 2, subtype = 7 lezlie motor 1 1 1 0 1 1 speed 1 2 1 0 1 1 high rotor level 2 1 1 -12 +6 1 stereo separation 3 1 1 -99 99 1 PITCH SHIFTER: type = 2, subtype = 8 pitch shift fine 1 1 1 -99 +99 1 coarse 1 2 1 -12 +12 1 PITCH DETUNE: type = 2, subtype = 9 detune amount 1 1 1 -99 +99 1 RING MODULATOR: type = 2, subtype = 10 spectrum shift 1 1 1 -100 +100 1 TRIGGERED MONO FLANGING type = 2, subtype =11 (modulation trig. 1 parm) 1 1 1 0 1 1 (modulation trig. 2 parm) 1 2 1 0 1 1 speed 1 3 1 0 99 1 depth 1 4 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 5 1 -99 99 1 retrigger point 2 1 1 0 255 1 sweeping mode 3 1 1 0 1 1 trigger source 4 1 1 0 4 1 TRIGGERED STEREO FLANGING type = 2, subtype =12 (modulation trig. 1 parm) 1 1 1 0 1 1 (modulation trig. 2 parm) 1 2 1 0 1 1 speed 1 3 1 0 99 1 depth 1 4 1 0 99 1 feedback 1 5 1 -99 99 1 retrigger point 2 1 1 0 255 1 sweeping mode 3 1 1 0 1 1 trigger source 4 1 1 0 4 1 DLY: Parameter Page Param Bytes Low limit Hi limit Step MONO DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 0 delay 1 1 2 1 50,000 1 note value 1 2 1 0 12 1 feedback 2 1 1 0 99 1 STEREO DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 1 L dly 1 1 2 1 50,000 1 note value 1 2 1 0 12 1 L feedback 2 1 1 0 99 1 R dly 3 1 2 1 50,000 1 note value 3 2 1 0 12 1 R feedback 4 1 1 0 99 1 PING PONG DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 2 delay 1 1 2 1 25,000 1 note value 1 2 1 0 12 1 feedback 2 1 1 0 99 1 MULTI TAP DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 3 delay 1 1 2 1 50,000 1 tap level 1 2 1 0 38 1 L<- ->R 1 3 1 1 99 1 fb 1 4 1 0 99 1 delay 2 1 2 1 50,000 1 tap level 2 2 1 0 38 1 L<- ->R 2 3 1 1 99 1 fb 2 4 1 0 99 1 delay 3 1 2 1 50,000 1 tap level 3 2 1 0 38 1 L<- ->R 3 3 1 1 99 1 fb 3 4 1 0 99 1 delay 4 1 2 1 50,000 1 tap level 4 2 1 0 38 1 L<- ->R 4 3 1 1 99 1 fb 4 4 1 0 99 1 delay 5 1 2 1 50,000 1 tap level 5 2 1 0 38 1 L<- ->R 5 3 1 1 99 1 fb 5 4 1 0 99 1 master feedback 6 1 1 0 99 1 TAP TEMPO MONO DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 4 delay 1 1 2 1 50,000 1 note value 1 2 1 0 38 1 feedback 2 1 1 0 99 1 TAP TEMPO PING PONG DELAY: type = 3, subtype = 5 delay 1 1 2 1 25,000 1 note value 1 2 1 0 38 1 feedback 2 1 1 0 99 1 SAMPLING: type = 3, subtype = 6 (modulation play trig. parm) 1 1 1 0 1 1 (modulation rec trig. parm) 1 2 1 0 1 1 play 1 3 1 0 2 1 rec 1 4 1 0 1 1 maximum sample length 2 1 2 2500 50,000 1 start 3 1 2 0 49,500 1 end 3 2 2 500 50,000 1 play trigger 4 1 1 0 6 1 rec trigger 5 1 1 0 6 1 midi note# 6 1 1 0 128 1 rec output 6 2 1 0 1 1 RVB: Parameter Page Param Bytes Low limit Hi limit Step MONO ROOM: type = 4, subtype = 0 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 5 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 6 1 2 0 500 10 release 6 2 2 10 500 10 ROOM 1: type = 4, subtype = 1 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 5 2 2 0 500 10 release 6 1 2 10 500 10 HALL 1: type = 4, subtype = 2 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 5 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 6 1 2 0 500 10 release 6 2 2 10 500 10 PLATE 1: type = 4, subtype = 3 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 5 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 6 1 2 0 500 10 release 6 2 2 10 500 10 CHAMBER 1: type = 4, subtype = 4 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 5 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 6 1 2 0 500 10 release 6 2 2 10 500 10 ROOM 2: type = 4, subtype = 5 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation swirl 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 HALL 2: type = 4, subtype = 6 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation swirl 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 PLATE 2: type = 4, subtype = 7 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation attack 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gated hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 CHAMBER 2: type = 4, subtype = 8 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation attack 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 LARGE PLATE: type = 4, subtype = 9 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation swirl 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gated level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 LARGE ROOM: type = 4, subtype = 10 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 reflection level 5 1 1 0 99 1 spread 5 2 1 0 99 1 reverberation swirl 6 1 1 0 99 1 gate trig 7 1 1 0 2 1 gate level 7 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 8 1 2 0 500 10 release 8 2 2 10 500 10 SPRING: type = 4, subtype = 11 decay 1 1 1 0 99 1 damping hi 1 2 1 0 99 1 lo 1 3 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 gate trig 5 1 1 0 2 1 gate level 5 2 1 0 99 1 gate hold 6 1 2 0 500 10 release 6 2 2 10 500 10 NONLINEAR: type = 4, subtype = 12 gate hold time 1 1 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 REVERSE: type = 4, subtype = 13 reverse time 1 1 1 0 99 1 reverb density 2 1 1 0 99 1 diffusion 2 2 1 0 99 1 input high freq roll off 3 1 2 200 20,000 50 predelay 4 1 1 1 250 1 mix direct<- ->dly 4 2 1 1 99 1 ROUTE POSITION DEFINITIONS Route position byte (9bits) = Sroute + [4*(Sblock-1)] + [34*(Dblock-1)] where, Sroute= route source #: 0= Input L, 1= Input R, 2= Block inmix, 3= Block mix, 4= Block L, 5= Block R Sblock= route source block #: 1= Input, 1= Block 1, ..., 8= Block 8 Dblock= route destination block #: 1= Block 1, ..., 8= Block 8, 9= Out L, 10= Out R ROUTE LEVEL DEFINITIONS Below is a table that gives the corresponding dB level for a given route level #: Route level # Parameter dB 0 OFF 1 -48.0 dB 2 -42.0 dB 3 -38.0 dB 4 -36.0 dB 5 -34.0 dB 6 -32.0 dB 7 -31.0 dB 8 -30.0 dB 9 -29.0 dB 10 -28.0 dB 11 -27.0 dB 12 -26.0 dB 13 -25.0 dB 14 -24.0 dB 15 -23.0 dB 16 -22.0 dB 17 -21.0 dB 18 -20.0 dB 19 -19.5 dB 20 -19.0 dB 21 -18.5 dB 22 -18.0 dB 23 -17.5 dB 24 -17.0 dB 25 -16.5 dB 26 -16.0 dB 27 -15.5 dB 28 -15.0 dB 29 -14.5 dB 30 -14.0 dB 31 -13.5 dB 32 -13.0 dB 33 -12.5 dB 34 -12.0 dB 35 -11.5 dB 36 -11.0 dB 37 -10.5 dB 38 -10.0 dB 39 -9.5 dB 40 -9.0 dB 41 -8.5 dB 42 -8.0 dB 43 -7.5 dB 44 -7.0 dB 45 -6.5 dB 46 -6.0 dB 47 -5.5 dB 48 -5.0 dB 49 -4.5 dB 50 -4.0 dB 51 -3.5 dB 52 -3.0 dB 53 -2.5 dB 54 -2.0 dB 55 -1.5 dB 56 -1.0 dB 57 -0.5 dB 58 -0.0 dB