Exciting news for the future

Posted by: abacus

Exciting news for the future - 12/24/07 07:22 AM

Looks like Garritan is getting close to releasing its new GM soundest VST, as they now have the price of it on their web site, http://www.garritan.com/GEM.html no demos yet though.
The New Year should be interesting

Posted by: Frank L. Rosenthal

Re: Exciting news for the future - 12/24/07 06:39 PM

I am waiting for this to happen. Again the sounds from GEM will be good enough for the accompaniment but I will still use higher quality sounds for my lead voices. For live performances this may be good enough and would simpilfy the software based arranger system. I am, of course, assuming the sounds will be as good as those found in the other Garritan Products, e.g., GPO, JABB, etc.