Midi Syncing - PC > Atari > instruments....is it possible?

Posted by: Anonymous

Midi Syncing - PC > Atari > instruments....is it possible? - 10/30/00 02:44 PM

If anyone could help me with this one it would be greatly appreciated!!!
I'm running a PC with a sample-based midi program on it (basically as a sampler) and I was wondering if I could run it into my Atari (which has Cubase)as one track in a sequence like a sampler and then continue on to my midi-based instruments or if I should try to set it up like this:

Dummy keyboard > Atari > PC > Instruments or is this just not possible????

Please somebody help!!

Thanks, Red-Jay
Posted by: PJsmile

Re: Midi Syncing - PC > Atari > instruments....is it possible? - 11/08/00 09:38 PM

maybe, if your software instruments can be syncronized via midi or if they send mtc