PIA Bartender & a Green Skin

Posted by: lahawk

PIA Bartender & a Green Skin - 09/18/23 05:12 PM

Jose is a great performer, but had to put up with an annoying bartender for sure. (about the 3 minute mark)

Geez buddy, can't it wait in between songs)?

He didn't miss a beat, was nice to the guy. A real pro.

Yes, it's his green "skinned" SX-900

I love it.
Posted by: montunoman

Re: PIA Bartender & a Green Skin - 09/21/23 05:35 AM

Yes, that is an annoyance for sure. The other night I had the party host want me to announce the Wi-Fi code, which was kind of long and cryptic. She’s telling me this as I’m playing and singing!

As far as José, he’s great! A lot people here dismiss arranger keyboards for old fuddy-duddy home users or relics from a by gone era. Not so in Mexico and Latin America!
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: PIA Bartender & a Green Skin - 09/21/23 11:57 AM

Not so here in the mid-Atlantic region of the US as well. Most of the keyboard entertainers are working nearly every night of the week, while the elitist have guitar will travel guys who equate arranger keyboard players to Karaoke, are lucky to get one night a week on the weekend.

As for the stupid-assed bar tender, I've run into my share of them during the 3 plus decades of being on stage. They have walked up to me, stood in front of the keyboard and began asking questions, or if I would make such and such of an announcement that was a 5 minute dissertation resembling the Gettysburg Address.

Most of the time, I just motioned for them to get the Hell out of the way and gave them a dirty look. Sure glad that I no longer have to put up with those totally ignorant individuals anymore.

All the best,

Gary cool
Posted by: montunoman

Re: PIA Bartender & a Green Skin - 09/22/23 07:40 AM

It’s so much different in Texas, where pro arranger keyboardist are almost as common as unicorns! For single performs, it’s almost always guitar or full piano. Some use tracks, loop pedals but mostly it’s live playing.
Posted by: lahawk

Re: PIA Bartender & a Green Skin - 09/26/23 05:21 PM

Jose showed a lot of patience. He was interrupted twice but kept on playing, and I suspect, a lot nicer to the rude bartender than many of us would have been. I can just picture Gary giving the "evil eye" smile

And yea, I'm really impressed with Jose's energy, and on stage persona, a real talented pro. The green skinned SX-900 is certainly unique.