I'm a Creep ...

Posted by: Uncle Dave

I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:32 PM

... I'm a weirdo


(K-Track with SD7 Rhodes and my vox on top)
Recorded direct (audio IN) on my new Q2n4k camera. I like the audio I get from my Presonus interface better, but for on location, this is pretty good. Still fiddling with levels, but I'm 95% ready. In May I will showcase the new gear, the new setup, and start a regular broadcast on YouTube. 3 Camera shots - one on me, the other on the keys, and the other on the screen. I'm exhausted ...
Posted by: Dnj

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:41 PM

Dave much better I think your on your way to success.
I agree levels need a bit of adjusting & EQ too.
I know in the end you will work it out for sure can't wait...
3 cameras shoot oh baby!!!

Go for it!

Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:44 PM

I actually sort of hate this "broadcast" business. I'm so much more comfortable IN the moment, in FRONT of people. Staring at the red dot does nothing for my inspiration. It's so much harder than it looks. I'm no TV personality - I just wanna sing.
Posted by: Dnj

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:52 PM

Well you are certainly giving it a great effort
and it's keeping you busy until it's all over
and you can get back on stage whenever that may be.
Your not alone hang in there and give it your all we all support you.
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:54 PM

Thanx, Pal
Posted by: saxxman

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 03:57 PM

Another great performance Dave! Super playing and singing!
Posted by: DonM

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 04:45 PM

It's fun to see young people learning new stuff. smile
Sounds good.
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 05:12 PM

hee, hee .... thanks guys
Posted by: bruno123

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/28/20 06:13 PM

Dave, “It is not the keyboard, it’s the keyboard player” fits you very well.

“I'm no TV personality - I just wanna sing.”
That is beautiful Dave, it says it all.
John C.
Posted by: john smies

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 01:10 AM


This sounds very promising, compliments for your tenacity in cracking this nut !! From Creep to Freak !!! A sound freak that is !!!
Keep it up , I am sure you will get there soon and looking forward to your Youtube appearances.


P.S. I hate that song............... frown
Posted by: cgiles

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 04:56 AM

Dave, I don't hate the song but I'm no fan of that SD7 'Rhodes' voice (and I LOVE 'Rhodes' voices, just not this one). Also, it's way too prominent (IMO) throughout the song). The VOCALS, on the other hand, are FIRST RATE (very professional and just right for this tune). The problem, of course, with a (single) 'MIC' recording is that you can't turn down a single voice (in this case, the 'Rhodes'), which would help immensely. Of course this is all my totally non-expert opinion and is totally subjective.

Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 06:30 AM

I appreciate all your comments, and thanks so much for taking the time to listen as I reinvent my audience. In some ways ... this is very exciting ... and terrifying!
Chas - you're so right about the vocal balance. In my apartment, always aware of the noise levels, I'm very distracted as I sing. My live mixes are so much more comfortable on stages that I have the luxury of balancing, and treating the rooms. As I move forward with this YouTube presence, I fully intend to multitrack the audio before the video is uploaded so I can do a mix the way I like it. As for that Rhodes - it's a stock sound, and I'm not devoting too much time to tweaks until I get the SD60. I want to know exactly what I have available to me as I forge ahead on this new path. It's a little loud because I want to drown out the track I'm using. Thise distorted guitars just don't light my fire. I will eventually redo the entire arrangement. I'm pretty confident I can do the thing with a good, solid style, but I haven't looked for one yet.

Don Mason called me "young" ... that's a laugh. rotfl
Posted by: cgiles

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 06:39 AM

I understand Dave, and I'm sure if you were mult-tracking, you'd probably be using the SV1 for Rhodes (maybe not, depends on what the SD60 has to offer). I also understand that in a live (stream) situation, you want to keep the configuration as simple as possible to minimize operational errors - hence, the single keyboard approach. As others have said, keep putting them out; each performance will teach you a little something new that will enhance future performances. With your vocals, NONE of them is going to be BAD, it's just ANYthing can be improved, especially from a production point of view.

Posted by: Dnj

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 06:43 AM

Originally Posted By Uncle Dave
I appreciate all your comments, and thanks so much for taking the time to listen as I reinvent my audience. In some ways ... this is very exciting ... and terrifying!
Chas - you're so right about the vocal balance. In my apartment, always aware of the noise levels, I'm very distracted as I sing. My live mixes are so much more comfortable on stages that I have the luxury of balancing, and treating the rooms. As I move forward with this YouTube presence, I fully intend to multitrack the audio before the video is uploaded so I can do a mix the way I like it. As for that Rhodes - it's a stock sound, and I'm not devoting too much time to tweaks until I get the SD60. I want to know exactly what I have available to me as I forge ahead on this new path. It's a little loud because I want to drown out the track I'm using. Thise distorted guitars just don't light my fire. I will eventually redo the entire arrangement. I'm pretty confident I can do the thing with a good, solid style, but I haven't looked for one yet.

Don Mason called me "young" ... that's a laugh. rotfl

Question:.....since you have the amazing KORG Pa4x sitting there
why not give it a good shot at this You Tube venture also ....
might be a better way to go all around?..
good luck.
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: I'm a Creep ... - 04/29/20 08:10 AM

Chas, in another scenario, using the SV1 and 4x combo would be killer, but they are set up facing a wall in the studio, and not easily photographed as a main event type presentation. The SD60 will be my live rig, so I'm focusing on presenting that as the audio vehicle in these video sets. It's weird - I was so tired late last night, but I was drawn to the SV1 before bed, so I went into the studio, turned off the lights, put on the cans and started working on a stereo panned tremolo version of Clair De Lune. I can hardly play it, but it's always been a favorite of mine, and I couldn't sleep without at least fiddling with it. I'm thinking of doing a spoken word voice over with that as the base. Now I just have to write the copy. So much to so ..... when did I ever find the time to WORK???????? eek2