My Coffee & Joey a Refreshing Morning Listen...

Posted by: Dnj

My Coffee & Joey a Refreshing Morning Listen... - 04/29/19 05:07 AM

Posted by: bruno123

Re: My Coffee & Joey a Refreshing Morning Listen... - 04/29/19 05:59 AM

Donny, my favorite tune, forever. The background does not get in the way, beautiful.
The only part I do not like is when the solos sounded like a bunch of scales, having nothing to do with the melody. Improvising should be skillfully added to the melody not bury it.

If the solo is based on the chord progression, and I feel it is, then when they play a different song with the same chord progression, their solo is very much the same. Goodbye originality.

Good stuff, thanks, John C.
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: My Coffee & Joey a Refreshing Morning Listen... - 04/29/19 07:17 AM

I began performing Misty just a few weeks after I first heard Johnny Mathis perform it so many years ago. Personally, I prefer the Mathis rendition, but this was quite well played, too.

Gotta get my coffee, now,

Gary cool
Posted by: cgiles

Re: My Coffee & Joey a Refreshing Morning Listen... - 04/29/19 07:58 AM

Although I love Joey and technically he can play circles around Groove Holmes, this is just a (very well played) take on the 'hit' Groove Holmes arrangement. He even uses Groove's solo voice in a lot of the tune. So yes, I agree it's good listening if you're into jazz organ or just a fan of Joey's great playing (like I am), but for some reason, if it's not presented as "here's Joey D. doing a great take on THE Groove Holmes hit arrangement of Misty", that it's a little bit mis-represented. It's a little bit like plagiarism (rather than a cover), as many non-jazzers may not be aware of the original.

But yes, it is a "refreshing morning listen". In terms of talent and playing ability (but not necessarily originality), I think Joey D. may be the best JAZZ organist of them all. JMO.
