EMF/EMR from your Keyboards

Posted by: synerjim

EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 03:03 PM

Since I'm experiencing serious neurological disorder, I'm trying to find what might be causing or had caused this disorder. I've researched and came across many articles/studies that EMF (electrical, magnetic and radio frequency) radiation can affect body functions even in cellular level. Measuring and detecting EMF emissions are bit tricky due to many factors involved. I bought a cheap EMR detector and was surprised by the level of EMF emitting from my Ketron MidJay Pro and Roland E-A7 while my Korg PA1000 emits almost undetectable. This is not a conclusive test as I've said there's so many factors needs to be considered. I've also used this detector on other electrical/electronic devices at home and was surprised by the level of radiation of some appliances we are using. I've just ordered a more sophisticated meter to test the 3 kinds of emmissions separately (https://www.amazon.com/TriField-EMF-Mete...meter&psc=1)
What's your thoughts on this matter?
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 03:08 PM

I suspect you get more EMF from your TV set than anything else. Arranger keyboard displays produce a tiny bit if EMF, but it is hardly measurable. Probably about the same amount as a luminous wrist watch.

Jim, what is the neurological problem you are experiencing?

Gary cool
Posted by: abacus

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 03:41 PM

When the new meter comes, throw it and the other one in the trash can.
Ignore all the conspiracy theorists on the web and YouTube that relate to EMR in the home, as none have ever provided any verifiable proof, and in most cases are just talking a load of rubbish. (Plus a lot are sponsored by companies that provide products (At a price) that fix this imaginary problem)
If you think you are suffering from EMR poisoning then that’s all it is, your imagination. (Unless your sticking your head in the microwave that is)
Whatever you’re neurological disorders seek proper medical assistance, not charlatans on the web.
Posted by: synerjim

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 04:32 PM

Gary, it's the dreaded parkinson's.
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 05:00 PM

Jim, I don't have a lot of experience in neurological medicine, however, from what I remember, Parkinson's is a breakdown of neurons, it can be generic, and takes quite some time to manifest.

I guess you and I are kinda in the same boat - bad stuff with no known cure. Fortunately, exercise, diet and some medications can provide you with some relief. In my case, nothing helps pulmonary fibrosis caused by asbestosis. I am slowly, but surely suffocating to death.

My advice, get as much exercise as you can tolerate, eat a balanced diet and if practical, get some physical therapy. These things have been known to really help you get through the tough times.

As for the the EMF, I wouldn't worry about it, at least not what you get from the keyboard.

Good luck,

Gary cool
Posted by: Bill Lewis

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 05:48 PM

My next door neighbor, 68 year old Vietnam Vet just had a double lung transplant at Duke university. He did pre op prep and exercising here and then 5 more weeks of it there. When he was done he got the call 4 days later. He was scheduled for one lung but got two. He's doing very well.
I can't believe what can be done in medicine today
Have you investigated any options like this ?
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/25/18 07:00 PM

Yes, this is the field of medicine I specialized in for many years. Unfortunately, I am not a candidate for a "pluck procedure" which is a bilateral lung transplant. When Obama care kicked in, those of us over 70 years of age became ineligible for many procedures, including certain neurosurgical and transplant procedures. Under Obamacare, we are to be given palliative drugs and allowed to die.

My only hope is the new medications that I am taking, which, according to my pulmonary docs, may give me another 2 years, but at the rate I'm going downhill, I doubt this is the case. I am currently living on just 30 percent of my lung capacity. Hey, I ain't dead yet. wink

Gary cool
Posted by: bruno123

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/26/18 03:28 AM

Jimmy, how old are you? (If I may ask)

John C.
Posted by: synerjim

Re: EMF/EMR from your Keyboards - 07/26/18 10:22 AM

Gary, yes we're on the same boat and I'm doing the advice you mentioned. I totally understand how you feel on your medical condition. I'm praying for your healing.

John, I'll be turning 63 this October and thankful to our Creator. Other than PD, I'm relatively healthy.