Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes...

Posted by: Dnj

Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 06:05 AM

Posted by: montunoman

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 06:39 AM

Nice. It always fun to get to play with other musician even with all the great sounds and styles an arranger has.
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 07:20 AM

One of these days I HAVE to get the accordion out from the closet ... one of these days ...

Thanks for posting that Donny ... And I do admire the keyboard player ...
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 10:01 AM

Ok, as Donny would say, "if I'm being perfectly honest"..... listening to that video was very comparable (to me) to watching paint dry. Two other things; 1) I don't consider that "playing with another musician". To me that was an accordionist playing with an arranger keyboard (with some guy mechanically triggering the chords). 2. I didn't hear anything coming out of that arranger that would induce someone to spend 6k to get that sound. To my ears, what I heard could have been produced by any arranger manufactured after 1985 from BOTL to TOTL.

Now I'm not saying that the Genos isn't capable of producing great music, I'm just saying it's gross overkill for the production of this video. In all fairness though, I don't consider any situation where a solo instrumentalist is playing to an arranger accompaniment as 'musicians playing together'. I think an exception might/could be a VERY skilled keyboardist using MINIMAL style parts (drums or drums/bass). I think it's essential that the 'fixed' style parts not interfere with the interaction between the two musicians and that it is flexible enough that each can respond to what the other is doing.

Also, to be fair, the accordionist does a nice job playing some complimentary riffs to the very rigid arranger playing. BTW, these observations and thoughts are not gospel, just my opinion (which is no more or less valuable than the next guys).

Posted by: DonM

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 10:07 AM

The arranger at least allows this guy to make music, without any right hand fingers!
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 12:46 PM

Ditto, Don. I noticed that he had a hook for a right hand, covered it with a white sock and was still able to do some slide effects with his hook. That alone is one Hell of an accomplishment.

Gary cool
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 01:04 PM

Gotta admit, I watched this on a small laptop and didn't enlarge the video, so I didn't even notice the prosthetic. Obviously, in light of that, I'm a little embarrassed by some of the things I said as that throws a completely different light on things. Sorry.

Posted by: DonM

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 01:29 PM

I knew you didn't notice it Chas, you're a good guy! smile
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 03:00 PM

I kinda figured that, Chas. Thought you may have watched it on your I-phone.

Gary cool
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 03:54 PM

Well thanks guys, for being understanding. Clearly I'm embarrassed and regretful. But Gary, I-PHONE!!! Pe-leeze, you know how I feel about Apple. The I-phone is the GENOS of the smartphone world (as in unconscionably overpriced and burdened with proprietary everything). (If THAT doesn't start a war, nothing will smile ).

Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 04:13 PM

Well, if THAT starts a war, I'm with you , chas ...
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/20/17 04:26 PM

Chas, I agree, and that's why I have an Android 5 that does a great job and it was free with the signup with the carrier.

Just purchased a Diggro Smart Watch for Carol for Christmas - she will probably hate me for doing this, but what the Hell, nothing will have changed! wink It's really cool and works on the Android 5 system, so it is very user friendly.

Merry Christmas,

Gary cool
Posted by: Mark79100

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 12:08 AM

What's puzzled me since the first time I saw this fellow is......why does he make it so obvious.....his hand....worn the same in every video of his.......white bandage that looks like it was put on by a Cub Scout. No disrespect meant at all. I really AM puzzled by this. I searched the Net with his name to find out what happened to him but could find nothing about his personal life. Interesting situation that makes you stop and think about taking things for granted, in this case your hands.

Years ago, I was in a piano store and the salesman was playing one of the pianos. Sounded good and then I noticed the same thing......he had only two fingers on his left hand and only 2-3 on his right, but man, he could probably do a gig even with that limitation. And no one would even notice. And a really nice guy too.

But I never forgot that in this sense. In both these situations, that's really got to be tough mentally and emotionally. They both appear to love music but are both limited in what they can do on a keyboard. Life is often not fair. is it?
Posted by: Stephenm52

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 03:28 AM

Originally Posted By cgiles
The I-phone is the GENOS of the smartphone world (as in unconscionably overpriced and burdened with proprietary everything). (If THAT doesn't start a war, nothing will smile ).


"Live and Let Live" smile
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 04:06 AM

Originally Posted By Stephenm52

"Live and Let Live" smile

Aha, a stinkin' liberal I-phone user smile smile.

chas (stinkin' cheapskate who can't afford an I-phone smile )
Posted by: Stephenm52

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 05:41 AM

Originally Posted By cgiles
Originally Posted By Stephenm52

"Live and Let Live" smile

Aha, a stinkin' liberal I-phone user smile smile.

chas (stinkin' cheapskate who can't afford an I-phone smile )

smile smile
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 07:04 AM

Originally Posted By Mark79100
What's puzzled me since the first time I saw this fellow is......why does he make it so obvious.....his hand....worn the same in every video of his.......white bandage that looks like it was put on by a Cub Scout.

Mark, that's not a bandage - it's an amputee sock, used to cover the stump under normal circumstances. In this instance, I believe he used it to cover the hook so the hook device would not damage the keyboard while playing.

Gary cool
Posted by: Mark79100

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/21/17 08:56 PM

Originally Posted By travlin'easy
Originally Posted By Mark79100
What's puzzled me since the first time I saw this fellow is......why does he make it so obvious.....his hand....worn the same in every video of his.......white bandage that looks like it was put on by a Cub Scout.

Mark, that's not a bandage - it's an amputee sock, used to cover the stump under normal circumstances. In this instance, I believe he used it to cover the hook so the hook device would not damage the keyboard while playing.

Gary cool

OK, thanks for that info Gary. That leaves me just wondering why make it look so obvious? Why not use a dark color. He plays music well enough, but I think it detracts from his performance. People might be noticing that before they notice his music. I'd really like to find out his background but I can't find a single thing about him on Google.

Well, it's one of those things I'll let slide by. I'm still trying to find time to read about Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles and Andrea Bocelli and how blindness affects them. When I watch Bocelli particularly, I can't help but think what an injustice it is that he can't SEE the joy he brings into people's lives.
Posted by: leeboy

Re: Genos & Accordion Spanish Eyes... - 12/24/17 08:49 AM

Just listen to the quality of the lead have come a long way.