Thoughts on PsrS750

Posted by: Mockie

Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/01/16 03:00 PM

I'm considering buying a used Yamaha Psr S750,

I would likes the thoughts of forum members on this arranger.

I need to move on from my beloved G70.


Posted by: Dnj

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/01/16 03:15 PM

To start Key feel is a night and day difference vs g70....
Posted by: mdorantes

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/01/16 03:16 PM


Just to comment, that the PSR S 750 is not the current model, the new is PSR S770 and it has major improvements.... or consider also the PSR S970, that is more like it.
Go a listen to one life....I know that there are lots of demos on line, but, nothing beats to hear it life.
Just my 2 cents.

Posted by: Mockie

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 01:58 AM

Originally Posted By: mdorantes

Just to comment, that the PSR S 750 is not the current model, the new is PSR S770 and it has major improvements.... or consider also the PSR S970, that is more like it.
Go a listen to one life....I know that there are lots of demos on line, but, nothing beats to hear it life.
Just my 2 cents.


Thanks Manual, yes I have heard the Psr s770 on Youtube demo, magnificent. I dont intend to invest heavy in another arranger, my budget will not allow. I'm hoping to look at the 750 today, according to the musicshop I deal with a lot, it is in new condition. The price is good I think, €600 or $700 approx I am mainly looking for new styles and a smaller and lighter alternative to the G70. Most of my work today is on my midi accordion with a BK7 Module.
Posted by: guitpic1

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 03:39 AM

I had the S750 for a short while. It's a very good keyboard for the money IMHO.

Best to try it out first.
Posted by: Graham UK

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 10:21 AM

Dnj. You can add Rubber Button to the poor key feel.

graham uk.
Posted by: Eric, B

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 05:46 PM

Here are some Style medleys:

Posted by: KORG80

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 08:08 PM

Go for it. It is an excellent keyboard I have been performing and recording with it for 4 or 5 years. Almost all songs on my YouTube channel were recorded using the 750.
My Channel

God Bless,
Posted by: Bachus

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/02/16 10:13 PM

Originally Posted By: Mockie
I'm considering buying a used Yamaha Psr S750,

I would likes the thoughts of forum members on this arranger.

I need to move on from my beloved G70.



You will step back when it comes to keyfeel in my opinion the G70's keybed is still one of the bests around.

You will loose on build quallity the G70 is build all over like a truck but also weights like a truck

You will loose the vocal processing

As an arranger the G70 is probably more advanced then the 750 with all the little options to tweak your styles.. also you have 3right, 2 left and a base sound, where 750 only has 2 right and one left.


You will get multi pads, the latest sound quallity (tough the Roland might even have more on board sample ROM, its almost 300MB), onboard speakers, and yamaha styles (which imho sound better out of the box then the Roland styles, that allways require some tweaking on the G70)... i dont know if the S750 has the possibilitie to load new samples, if so, that would be a difference, allways been the weak point of the Roland G70... no sample expansions.

In the end, i really dont know if its an upgrade goign from a G70- to a PSR S770... there still is a lot to be loved about the G70, i am teaching my youngster nefews play the keys on a G70, and it still feels alive and high quallity...
Posted by: Giovanni

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/03/16 04:12 AM

Hi Eric , thank you for sharing the style medleys .I liked the way the suggested r1 and r2 are shown , also tempo etc .
Posted by: Eric, B

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/03/16 02:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Giovanni
Hi Eric , thank you for sharing the style medleys .I liked the way the suggested r1 and r2 are shown , also tempo etc .

You're welcome wink
Glad you enjoyed them.
Posted by: rikkisbears

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 06/03/16 03:56 PM

Hi Frank,
I don't actually have the s750, I have the s950. Even though I don't I like it as much as my pa3x ( not a fair comparison as one was at least double the price of the other)
I do like the Yamaha styles, and ther's heaps of them around.I would gather most of your g70 styles are covered by the bk7m anyway.
Yamaha would add some great additional styles.

I doubt the quality of the keyboard itself would be as good as the g70, considering the g70 was a top end arranger in it's day ( had a couple of earlier top end Roland's , the g800 and the va7) they were really solid.

If you're looking for something lighter and a variety of styles, it would be worth considering.

I had a psr1500 which must be close to 10 years old. Gave it to the grandkids (5 & 8 year old) a couple of years ago, and it's still working perfectly.
They must be more solid than they appear, because the grandkids are not gentle on things. Haha

On the other hand my pa800 ( which was treated with the utmost care) had it's screen go blank, after only 3 years. Cost an arm and a leg to fix.
Posted by: Mockie

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 07/03/16 05:05 AM

I doubt the quality of the keyboard itself would be as good as the g70, considering the g70 was a top end arranger in it's day ([/quote]

Sorry Rikki for the delay in replying to your post. I now have the Psr S750, I havent got it set up for use yet. I'm reading right thru the manual as I want to get the best out of the 750. Registrations......? are they the Yamaha equivilant of Roland's User programs, I have not got as far as setting them up yet.
I still have the G70....still love it, the quality of the sounds in many cases are superior to the Yamaha. As you mentioned, I have a Bk7 and with aid of a master keyboard I can have G70 sounds and styles minus the bass split, which I use with live situations, I have a plan for LH bass. Last word on G70, it's too heavy to move around, I'm going sell if I can get a decent price, if the price is not right, I will keep it, it's goin to be a "bitch"to get it up to the attic.
Posted by: rikkisbears

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 07/03/16 07:21 PM

Hi Frank,
It's close to 15 years since I last had a Roland, I'm only guessing , but I would say yes, about the registrations/ user programs.

When you get yourself sorted and if you want some extra styles, let me know.
Posted by: Mockie

Re: Thoughts on PsrS750 - 07/04/16 01:07 PM

Originally Posted By: rikkisbears

When you get yourself sorted and if you want some extra styles, let me know.

Thanks Rikki, there's always the odd styles we need.
