Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos)

Posted by: hitman

Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/28/15 04:52 PM

Hi guys,
Haven't been here in while, but hope that everyone is well. I'm looking to get into playing again (after a longer vacation) and was wondering if anyone uses the BK7m with a workstation such as the M3, Kronos or Fantom G. I have this crazy idea of using a combination of BKs and workstation sounds, while possibly addressing BKs sound-deficiencies with good samples through the workstation.

Has anybody tried this and how successfully? Am I better of getting an all in one sampler/ arranger like the PA3x or possibly 900?

Any advice / experiences shared are very appreciated!
Posted by: Bachus

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/28/15 08:46 PM

Originally Posted By: hitman
Hi guys,
Haven't been here in while, but hope that everyone is well. I'm looking to get into playing again (after a longer vacation) and was wondering if anyone uses the BK7m with a workstation such as the M3, Kronos or Fantom G. I have this crazy idea of using a combination of BKs and workstation sounds, while possibly addressing BKs sound-deficiencies with good samples through the workstation.

Has anybody tried this and how successfully? Am I better of getting an all in one sampler/ arranger like the PA3x or possibly 900?

Any advice / experiences shared are very appreciated!

I think having an arranger module on top of a workstation is a good idea, or friend Rosetree is using the Roland BK7m

I personally used a Kronos with the Audya 4 for some time, and if it wasnt for hardware troubles with the audya4 it would have been a great combination.. I think Ketron currently sells 2 arranger modules with probably the best styles of them all..
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 07:44 AM

As Bachus said, I sometimes use a BK-7m "on top of" a Yamaha MoXF. I haven't played arranger-based very often in the past years (more either completely live classical playing or in combination with self-made sequencer files), so I haven't optimized the integration of BK-7m and MoXF/Integra-7 yet (e.g. sending style parts to the MoXF via midi).
Generally, the two instruments are a very good combination. Even without complex midi networking, you can easily switch on and off individual live parts in the BK-7m and in the MoXF, so you are free to mix and combine any upper/lower parts of the MoXF and BK-7m range of sounds.
Of course, the BK-7m provides full control of sending midi signals also from each style track, so that e.g. a guitar pattern could be played by a MoXF guitar (if the MoXF is set to song/mixing mode). As I said, I haven't tried this yet, although one has to say that the acoustic guitars in the BK-7m are a rather weak point.
As you can store song settings conveniently in a performance list on USB stick, the necessary live operations like selecting songs, hitting start/stop and fill-in buttons are easily done. Editing on the BK-7m itself is not so convenient, I don't like the wheel too much, you have to press the wheel each time you select something, I think a sort of typist's neuritis can develop from it if you do it constantly.
Posted by: hitman

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 08:20 AM

Thanks, Bachus!

Dankeschön Rosetree! Ich vermisse Nordrhein-Westfalen und Dortmund im Dezember und Januar. Schöne Grüße aus Virginia Beach!

I spent some time last night going thru BKs manual, and I gotta say that I'm a bit worried about remote style selection. I would be using mostly custom styles, but there is little/ no reference as to how to call these up from a remote (only factory ones seem to be linked to a msb/lsb etc.) I guess everything would have to go thru performance lists. To your point Rosetree, I can see how the wheel and lack of buttons / touchscreen or dedicated sw-editor can be a pain.

Based on everything right now, I think I am better off with a PA900 / 3x. If I don't find a good deal on one of these, I may even take a plunge with Dan's Varranger / Kronos combo. ( can't stay away from the Kronos; such a great board).

Thanks again to both for your insight!
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 08:58 AM

Based on my experience, the BK7m is too cumbersome to use live with anything but a dedicated controller. I use one as a drum machine in practice, recording, and drummer-less rehearsals. I have it midied to a Roland VP770 but trying to control it and the KB without their interfering with each other is tricky, to say the least. Controlling it locally with the data wheel is a real PIA. I have a Fantom G7 but have never used it with the Bk7m but I'm guessing the same problems would arise (although you would have more control with the Fantom than with the VP770).

Anyway, hope you get it sorted out.

Posted by: Bill Lewis

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 09:06 AM

I have the BK7M and for live use you definatly need the FC7 pedal board or PK bass pedals which can be used as a controller. That will solve the live control issues very well.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 01:46 PM

I think if you really prepared your songs and have stored their settings in performance lists, there is no problem using the BK-7m live. I have it placed half on top of my MoXF, using specially shaped hard styrofoam parts underneath, so that the BK-7m knobs are really close enough to reach all of them conveniently for variations/fill-ins while playing. Pressing the control wheel is only necessary each time you select a new entry in the song list.
You could also consider an iPAD and those two great apps iMidiPatchbay or Set List Maker to send bank/program changes for sound changes - a matter of preparation. The BK-7m is just not recommendable if you like selecting and changing sounds spontaneously without preparation.
Posted by: Hal2001

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/29/15 04:35 PM

Originally Posted By: hitman

Has anybody tried this and how successfully? Am I better of getting an all in one sampler/ arranger like the PA3x or possibly 900? Goran

Hi Goran,
Yes I hooked up a BK7m to my Korg Kronos 88 and felt the sounds blended in very well together. Sometimes I used my Kronos for the lead sounds and the BK7m for the drum patterns and baseline for on-the-fly playing and composing). I eventually sold the BK because I felt the pattern buttons were too few, with too few available variations overall (i.e. less fills/variations than a full arranger KB), and their placement limitations within the BK housing being too tight (easy to hit an adjacent button by mistake) and a bit too far away from my Kronos keybed to be easily reached. Below is a link to the Kronos/BK7m setup I had showing it being used for a song I wrote at the time. I had decided that, if I liked the BK7m enough, I would buy the foot switch for it, but subsequently decided that, overall, I would prefer a dedicated arranger like the Korg Pa3x76. I particularly like the layout of the pattern trigger buttons on the Pa3x. To my fingers, and playing style, the buttons are very accessible and easy to trigger on the fly. Since I would prefer to have easy random access to patterns on-the-fly, I decided to sell the BK and wait for the Pa4x to come out (i'm hoping in the next 12 months). I figure such a dedicated arranger will give me the most convenient pattern/style access. The Pa would also make a nice second tier keyboard. And you could still connect your Kronos/M3 or Fantom to a full arranger like the Pa to get access to all sounds of both. Here's the link to the Kronos and BK being used together:
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Roland BK7m & workstation combo (M3 or kronos) - 01/30/15 06:45 AM

As the MoXF is less wide than the Kronos, and, in addition, I place the BK-7m partly onto the MoXF panel, it is really close to my hands, as in my demo here:
With my old MoX, I even placed it directly on top of some MoXF controller knobs which I didn't need, although that was a little shaky in this video. But no problem hitting the important BK-7m buttons: