Were you taught by someone to sing or play?

Posted by: Mark79100

Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 12:24 AM

The recent comments on "singing lessons" prompted me to post this.

Many of you folks in the group are fine vocalists and many are fine instrumentalists, so I'm curious......

.....how many of you have had singing or instrument lessons (and how many are self-taught?) and, if you've had tutors, your own comments about your experiences with them?
Posted by: Bernie9

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 03:13 AM

I switched from trombone to organ in 1964 while singing only in church choir. I took lessons at the store for 6 months, after telling the teacher I wanted to play a Hammond B3 with a fake book. He proceeded to teach me the rudiments, but insisted on theory being included.

Looking back, I could have benefited from classical training for piano, but I improve everyday and am quite satisfied. I need some instruction on breath control in my singing however.

Posted by: DonM

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 07:52 AM

I played trumpet in high school and music theory. I learned drums, bass, guitar and organ in that order, mostly by myself. Bought one of the very first arrangers and grew up with the technology.
I started singing because the singer didn't show up and I wanted to keep on getting paid. Pretty obvious that no lessons were involved there! smile
Posted by: spalding1968

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 09:33 AM

I had piano lessons when I turned 25 years old for 2 years . My teacher now teaches my nieces and nephews .

It gave me the launch pad into playing piano and I learned the rudiments of music after playing the guitar by ear for years .

I now teach piano myself to children and adults and I think that it is essential for anyone just starting to play to have lessons . It saves a lot of time in the long run .
Posted by: montunoman

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 11:29 AM

Regardless if you take lessons or not, if you are a musician, you are student for life!
Posted by: montunoman

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 12:04 PM

I started with drum lessons as a kid. I had a hardcore technique teacher. He focused on hand technique, smooth, flowing hand/arm movements, posture, breathing, rudiments, rhythmic counting/reading. As this served me well for when I took up piano, guitar, singing, and harmonica as an adult.

Currently I'm studying with a vocal teacher. She gives me a bunch of vocal warm ups and tips on breathing. Also she listens to me sing and gives me all sorts of useful feedback. Studying with a teacher keeps me focused. If I had the time and money, I'd love to have a piano teacher too...

Through my studies with various teacher's, my biggest take away is that it really comes down to fundamentals. If you want to be a great improviser you need to really be able around your instrument with the various scales types. Singers (and instrumentals) need to able to hold long tones and breath...
Posted by: montunoman

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 12:10 PM

As far as learning to play/sing, I think what helped me most was playing with others. I was lucky to go a high school with a great band director. All through high school and college I was playing in jazz ensembles, orchestras, marching band, pit orchestras... even the most horrible and loud garage rock bands had a great impact on my growth. I'm so thankful my parents put up with all that racket!
Posted by: montunoman

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 12:24 PM

Originally Posted By: spalding1968
I had piano lessons when I turned 25 years old for 2 years . My teacher now teaches my nieces and nephews .

It gave me the launch pad into playing piano and I learned the rudiments of music after playing the guitar by ear for years .

I now teach piano myself to children and adults and I think that it is essential for anyone just starting to play to have lessons . It saves a lot of time in the long run .

I do agree, but I'm sure those years you spent playing by ear
had a positive impact on your aural skills. Also some people, especially kids, need some time to explore and learn some things on there own.
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 04:58 PM

The very best teachers I ever had for my voice was my clarinet teachers. Without the fundamentals of breathing and phrasing, I wouldn't have 1/2 the clue I do now. You can teach diction, theory, breathing and coach phrasing but I believe that you can't really "teach" someone to sing. You can teach them to sing "better", but you have to have the raw tools before you start.
With THAT said ... everyone I listen to is my teacher. Every instrument - every harmony - every sound in nature ... they are all my private tutor ... 24/7 for free. (I need this stitched on a pillow!!!!)
Posted by: KORG80

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 05:07 PM

I am totally ear trained and self taught. Started with guitar and singing. Singing along with the Everlys, Roy Orbison, Elvis, the Beatles etc. made me into a singer. Those guys were all great role models.

Burned a lot of midnight oil teaching myself keyboard accompaniment skills. Since I've always used my instruments to sing along to, I never really developed any lead guitar skills or melodic keyboard skills. I work chords on keyboard and guitar and cords (vocal) with my voice.

In my teaching career I've been exposed from time to time to vocal teaching techniques. Not a big fan of oohs and aahs and hungio type exercises. Also get that from time to time when my pastor's wife, who leads our church praise team, decides to bring someone in to teach us to sing.

I must say I consider myself very blessed to be able to sing at 68 years of age pretty much the same as I did when I was young. Best compliment I've had on Synth Zone or any other forum was when someone on here told me I have a young voice. I thank the Lord every day for that and pray that I can continue for many more years.

God Bless,

P.S. I'm still learning after all these years. Learning in music never really stops!
Posted by: KORG80

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 05:08 PM

Amen to that Dave!!!

God Bless,
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/06/14 06:05 PM

Started accordion lessons at the age of 13 yrs ... my teacher was very fond of classical music and the studio accordion orchestra played classical music in recitals and competitions - Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Rossini, Mussorgsky, et al ... each of us played one of the parts of the symphony orchestra ... we even played in Carnegie Hall !!! ...
This formed a great foundation, not only for my playing but for the appreciation of music in general ... heck, I even really like Country ...
Switched to Fender Rhodes in the early 70's when my uncle - who played classical piano - gave me the one he bought and it did not fit his needs ... Worked a lot on my own and then took piano lessons for about a year before moving to RI ... with the move to RI, I lost the 'security blanket' I had from playing with the same guys in a band for 26 years in NY ... I did not 'play out' for several years ... I finally started to play some solo gigs and then went to a piano teacher I had heard playing in a club ... I told him I did not have time to study scales, etc. but just wanted to learn better chord voicings and fills to back up my vocals ...long story short, he showed me in his own way that I NEEDED to study scales, etc. ... I studied with him for about a year and a half when I started to develop tendonitis in my lift arm ... that's about when I stopped playing piano and started playing KBs ...

Never had any vocal lessons, although Col has me thinking about it ...

Interesting post, Mark ... thanks ...
Posted by: captain Russ

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/10/14 09:33 AM

No formal lessons, but I learned something from every good player I've ever listened to...and learned what not to do from a lot of bad players.

Posted by: 124

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/10/14 09:35 AM

Sums it up pretty good, Russ. That method has kept me in biz since 1959. Ain't nothin' gonna change now. smile
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Were you taught by someone to sing or play? - 07/10/14 12:56 PM

I was very, very fortunate in that I was always able to sing with a quality voice. However, vocal lessons at the local community college made me a much better singer, and I would highly recommend anyone that is seriously considering becoming an entertainer to look into taking singing lessons. It makes a HUGE difference.

As for the playing, I'm NOT a musician by any stretch of the imagination. Yeah, I can play, but I'm mediocre at best and freely admit to my transgressions. And, I did take piano lessons, but I was only 5 or 6 years old, and the teacher gave my parents their money back after 6 months. She said I would never learn to play. I guess I fooled her! wink

Gary cool