Something interesting..and a bit different

Posted by: Tonewheeldude

Something interesting..and a bit different - 11/10/12 02:02 AM

So I have been involved with this funny little instrument since the 90s. 99% of musicians dismiss it as a gimick and a toy, but I love that those who know quietly get on and make realy good use of the thing.

I have been wanting to dedicate a website to it for ages and as I was off sick last week finally made a start. There is no content on the site yet but if you don't mind being redirectd to facebook, the accompanying page is available where I am posting video's and titbits as I prepare them for the main site.
Posted by: Nigel

Re: Something interesting..and a bit different - 11/10/12 12:02 PM

Very cool. I will add a link to your website on
Posted by: Tonewheeldude

Re: Something interesting..and a bit different - 11/11/12 05:27 AM

Thanks Nigel. I'll let you know when the site goes live. I ahve the content ready, just deciding wether to code the site myself or take an easy option like joomla.