Gotta hear this! 10 year old sings Adele

Posted by: SemiLiveMusic

Gotta hear this! 10 year old sings Adele - 02/18/12 05:37 AM

The start 'em young these days. Check out this beauty and her siblings! It's gone viral, note the number of youtube hits.

Their dad is a producer, has a studio. I'd say they have a bright future! Another...

Posted by: Eric, B

Re: Gotta hear this! 10 year old sings Adele - 02/18/12 03:21 PM

Great find. smile
Posted by: mdorantes

Re: Gotta hear this! 10 year old sings Adele - 02/18/12 11:09 PM

It really makes me happy to see bright young talented kids....
I will be looking for to hear more from this family. rocker