(I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4

Posted by: Scottyee

(I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/15/11 10:28 AM

Leigh Wilbraham plays the 2008 Cutting Crew hit "(I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight" on Tyros 4,
showcasing one of the impressive 3rd party styles offered by style manufacterer D-o-o.
Leigh, very nice demo. cool

Posted by: ianmcnll

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/15/11 06:16 PM

Nice one Scott...Leigh does some fine playing.

Do you know if he uses a volume pedal?

I thought he might, as he is also an organist, as well as an arranger player.

Posted by: leeboy

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/15/11 08:33 PM

Scott...thanks for posting this...I really loved it!
I especially enjoyed him using the lower kbd...which I will be doing.
Posted by: Scottyee

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/15/11 09:39 PM

Originally Posted By: ianmcnll
Nice one Scott...Leigh does some fine playing.
Do you know if he uses a volume pedal? I thought he might, as he is also an organist, as well as an arranger player.

Hi Ian, The next time I speak with him on Skype I'll ask, but perhaps he'll reply here with the answer himself. cool Coming from a background as strictly a piano style player I've never had the opportunity to learn how to properly utilize a volume pedal when playing the arranger, so I'm going to start a new thread topic about 'that' here smile
Posted by: jazzhooves

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/15/11 11:06 PM

Hello everyone. Good Morning from the UK.
Thanks for everyone's nice comments. Yes Ian, i use the FC7 volume control and this is why I chose the Hammond 200 pedals - as the pedal mounts on top of the pedalboard like a traditional organ.
I will take some photos of my setup and post them if you like.

I have owned organs for many years now, and last week sold my Wersi organ as the Tyros has taken its place and in my view knocked the wersi into a cocked hat.
Tyros sounds so full, rich and works so well I cannot imagine playing anything else. I have had the PA3X pro here for review for the last 2 weeks and frankly - it can't even get close.
Yamaha have produced THE best arranger keyboard ever and when you add a lower keyboard, pedalboard and volume pedal, only then do you get a feel for the sheer power that it can unleash.
Making the pedal note your own instead of the computer choosing makes your performances more personlised and the the M-Audio 61 works with Tyros amazingly, with a separate volume slider for the left hand and the ability to transpose up and down an octave on the fly a really useful addition.

I apprecite your kind comments and hope to pop some more videos on line this weekend.

Have a great weekend to you all folks - and look forward to reading more on sythzone.

Best wishes - especially to my mate scott!
Posted by: abacus

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/16/11 02:34 AM

Hi Leigh

Not one of your best for me I’m afraid, as it’s too far removed from the original in sound quality, and not different enough to be a new arrangement. (For me it certainly doesn’t show what the Tyros 4 can do)

Good to see you have sold your Wersi, as they can sometimes be difficult to move on, however until another arranger comes out that can use VSTi mine is definitely staying put. (Having been used to VSTi for over 10 years (Long before I had the Wersi) I just couldn’t go back to the limitations that a hardware board imposes, even though the T4 is one of the best out there)

Look forward to more performances

BTW What’s happened to the Podcasts?

Posted by: kbrkr

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/16/11 06:51 AM

Very Nice Renditon....i thought the style sounded awesome and punchy. I would have replaced the drums with the Dance Set to get a more prominent Snare -Crack- to make it more rock oriented, but that's because I'm also a drummer!! lol

I like it...great job!

And Bill, I don't know what your talking about in your post when you say the "it's too far removed from the original sound quality" and Tyros Hardware board is "Limited". VSTi's are NOT practical in a live situation. Having everything all in one reliable hardware platform is perfect for LIVE play.
Posted by: abacus

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/16/11 08:22 AM

Hi Al

Explanation: Limited
For well over 15 years I have been using equipment (Computers and external controllers etc.) that do not limit me to one manufactures sounds and setups, and there is no way I could ever go back, hence for “Me” the T4 or any hardware board is just too limited in their capabilities. (Nothing wrong with them, they just don’t do what “I” want)

In the old days VSTi were mainly best used in a studio; however for the last 5 years or more virtually all the manufactures have developed them for live play as well. (Some of them even design external hardware modules to control them)

If you ever try a Wersi with VSTi installed, I can guarantee that once they have been setup (A reasonably straightforward task in the Wersi) you will not notice any operational difference to any pure hardware board. (They just become part of the sound set and not a separate entity)

Have listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dOwHzCHfgA and as you can hear Leigh’s cover doesn’t come close, which for me is a disappointment compared to what Leigh normally produces.

I hope the above helps you to see where I am coming from. (There is no right or wrong, just personal choice)

Posted by: ianmcnll

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/16/11 08:28 AM

Originally Posted By: abacus

The video you linked me to is not available in Canada, Bill.

Posted by: abacus

Re: (I Just Died) In Your Arms Tonight on Tyros 4 - 04/17/11 10:25 AM

Hi Ian

Pop over to your local YouTube site and type in the name, the group and also the word official.

It should then bring up the video for your country

Hope this helps
