Need Headphones

Posted by: deatonent

Need Headphones - 12/21/10 02:16 PM

I hope this is not considered "Off Topic". I need to buy a few more headphones for my home recording studio. I need three in the $30 to $40 price range and one in the $100 to $150 range (suitable for mixing). My main concern is the “peeling” syndrome some of my phones have suffered. I keep getting these little bits of black material stuck around my ears after wearing certain of my phones for a while. I have two pair that do not have this problem. One is an AKG K-55 the other is a Sony MDR CD30. These models use a different type of material on the ear pads that does not peel. They of course would be fine for the lower price range if I can still find them for sale. However, I can’t tell enough from the catalogue or online descriptions to determine if the higher price models have the “peeling” type covering on the ear pads. Any ideas?
Posted by: SemiLiveMusic

Re: Need Headphones - 12/21/10 02:46 PM

Funny you mention this because I just this minute finished a test. I have Audio Technica ATH-M40fs studiophones and my brother has ATH-M50 monitor headphones. They just went head to head and I couldn't tell the difference. Both very high quality headphones. I note that his cost twice as much as mine but I recall paying much more than what they are going for now when I bought them two years ago. His have angled configuration since your ears are set at an angle but I've never had a problem with mine being uncomfortable.

Of course, most expert says we should mix with monitors but I've always used headphones.
Posted by: Mr. G

Re: Need Headphones - 12/21/10 02:47 PM

Originally posted by deatonent:
I hope this is not considered "Off Topic". I need to buy a few more headphones for my home recording studio. I need three in the $30 to $40 price range and one in the $100 to $150 range (suitable for mixing). My main concern is the “peeling” syndrome some of my phones have suffered. I keep getting these little bits of black material stuck around my ears after wearing certain of my phones for a while. I have two pair that do not have this problem. One is an AKG K-55 the other is a Sony MDR CD30. These models use a different type of material on the ear pads that does not peel. They of course would be fine for the lower price range if I can still find them for sale. However, I can’t tell enough from the catalogue or online descriptions to determine if the higher price models have the “peeling” type covering on the ear pads. Any ideas?

The name Deaton is pretty rare, my name is Gordon Deaton, I live in Monroe ,Mi. and am a Musician also. Played drums for many years in many rock groups , switched to keyboards and have been playing contemporary Christian music for about 34 years. I have a lot of relitives in Tenn. around the dayton and Chattanooga area. Anyway, I've always been happy with AKG phones in most all of their price range. Have a pair of K-271's that have a great sound , though a little pricy. Have a great Christmas. Gordon
Posted by: trident

Re: Need Headphones - 12/21/10 03:36 PM

Almost a year ago, I asked the same question, check this link:

I got the Sony MDR 7506 for 90 Euros after putting a little pressure on the salesman. Amazon USA has them now for $84.95, a steal.

Satisfied ever since. Check my impressions here, what I write about the amplifier hiss I discovered is still true. Also check first, if you have large ears, their opening is somewhat small.

Ahh, another thing, we tried them out against an old AKG pair (don't remember exactly which, but there are lots of late 80's photos with Springsteen or others equally famous having them on while recording) and they were better.

As far as the ear pads are concerned, I read on the net that if the pads wear out on the Sonys, you can exchange them straight for some Beyerdynamic DT-250 VELOUR pads like these [img][/img] and be comfortable.

[This message has been edited by trident (edited 12-21-2010).]
Posted by: cgiles

Re: Need Headphones - 12/22/10 04:12 AM

Stay away from the cheap Behringers, ie. the HPS1000, HPS3000. They don't sound horrible but won't stand up to studio use. The price is enticing but trust me, not worth it.
