Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs

Posted by: chony

Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 04:36 PM

I just did an outdoor Chanukah party on Liberty Island (in front of the Statue of Liberty), and nearly lost my fingers in the process. Half way through I put on my gloves and started hitting two notes at a time, but I didn't have much of a choice.

What do others here do? I'm looking for something skin tight but very warm.

Posted by: Dnj

Re: Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 05:09 PM s_ol_2

works great no need for gloves

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 12-23-2008).]
Posted by: tony mads usa

Re: Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 05:09 PM

Try 2 things ...
all weather golf gloves:

or football gloves:

and keep hand warmers in your pockets:

OR, don't book outdoor winter gigs !!!

Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 06:08 PM

Unfortunately, I currently have to wear a glove on my right hand in order to play. It's not easy to play wearing a glove, and it took several months before I was comfortable with it. My glove is white cotton and I purchase them at Rite Aid Drug Stores. They're inexpensive, fit well and you rarely hit more than a single key. However, I don't believe they would keep your hands very warm because they are somewhat thin. Better than no gloves at all I guess.


Posted by: cassp

Re: Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 06:38 PM

What about one of these models? ?q=finge...snum=7&ct=title

I have a pair of fingerless gloves that has a flip over mitten covering for the fingers. i think I bought them at Target or one of the Sporting goods stores. I've never used them for a gig, though.

[This message has been edited by cassp (edited 12-23-2008).]
Posted by: shim

Re: Glove solution for keyboard players playing outdoor holiday gigs - 12/23/08 08:06 PM

Originally posted by chony:
I just did an outdoor Chanukah party on Liberty Island (in front of the Statue of Liberty), and nearly lost my fingers in the process. Half way through I put on my gloves and started hitting two notes at a time, but I didn't have much of a choice.

What do others here do? I'm looking for something skin tight but very warm.


Same here chony!
I play/ed at the Menorah lighting at the Grand Army Plaza, and my fingers were freezing so much I had no choice but to put some prerecorded music and warm my hands alittle. Good thing we had it...

Happy Chanukah and Seasons Greetings to all!

BTW Mayor Michael Bloomberg lit (the Menorah) here tonight... I feel Honered!

[This message has been edited by shim (edited 12-23-2008).]