Tyros2 for sale...

Posted by: travlin'easy

Tyros2 for sale... - 12/01/08 03:35 PM


Posted by: jedi

Re: Tyros2 for sale... - 12/02/08 12:26 AM

Hey Gary,

Tyros 3 ????

Best price = Frank


Gary 
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Tyros2 for sale... - 12/02/08 06:29 AM

Here's the deal on the T2. I DO NOT own the keyboard. This keyboard, and a PSR-S900 was owned by one of my best friends and fellow zoner Bob Lee. Bob was an excellent musician, a wonderful person, and we talked daily on the phone. We provided each other with music jobs, attended various functions together, and met several times a month for lunch or just to gab about various topics.

About a year ago, he began having shortness of breath upon exertion. Because of my medical background I was fairly confident he was suffering from coronary artery disease. He had angioplasty 30 years ago, and I advised him to see a VA Hospital cardiologist. A few weeks later he ended up with triple bypass surgery.

Shortly after the surgery he went back to work, but complained about being short of breath again, and also finding it difficult to sing because his throat was always feeling sore. Within weeks he was unable to swallow and suffered from severe acid reflux. Again, I urged him to seek medical attention and have a cat scan. He was very claustrophobic, but with sedation he was able endure the scan's tight quarters. It revealed a large mass wrapped around his airway, plus several nodes on his liver, kidneys, and also involved the lymph glands. He was given three months to live. He only lasted about three weeks.

He, like many, full-time musicians, had no health insurance, no live insurance and no savings. His daughter, who is a wonderful young lady, was confronted with the burden of settling his affairs, which included making the funeral arrangements, repairing and trying to sell his mobile home, and paying off many of the debts. This is a monumental task for a young mother of three who also helps her husband run a small business.

Bob had a lot of music equipment, which included the T2 and S-900, a Casio, loads of cables, stands, mics, etc.. I have been trying to help his daughter sell some of the gear to cover Bob's final expenses, plus help defray the cost of restoring his mobile home so it too can be sold. She knows absolutely nothing about the equipment, and neither does her husband.

As for me and the T3, I'm still waiting for GC to get one in the store so I can place my gnarled fingers on the keys.

It has been a difficult year, especially when it comes to loosing friends and relatives to the grim reaper. Sure be glad when spring arrives and I can go sailing again.


Posted by: zuki

Re: Tyros2 for sale... - 12/02/08 06:53 AM

Sad news. Nice of you to help carry the load for the family. If I had the money, I'd take it off your hands, but it should go fairly fast.

Now for sailing? I think you might just hibernate for 5 months
Posted by: Stephenm52

Re: Tyros2 for sale... - 12/02/08 07:16 AM

Gary, that is sad news, I remember the post of Bob's passing. That's a great price on the T2.