need arranger

Posted by: don adams

need arranger - 12/13/07 09:23 AM

Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I'm a singersongwriter and I play at smaller venues using acoustic guitar and piano. I feel it is time to get some kind of accompianment which would allow me to get other gigs where this is needed. I have several questions I was hoping someone could help me with. Would i be better to get get an arranger rather than a laptop with accompianment software?( keeping in mind that I need complete songs to play to when i am doing guitar) Also , what would be the best arranger for someone used to playing piano style? Appreciate your help.
Posted by: cassp

Re: need arranger - 12/13/07 09:44 AM

Don, what's your budget? Here are the most popular choices:
Yamaha - S900, 700 500 series or earlier PSR 3000,2000, 1500, 1000.
Roland - G70, E80, 60, 50
Korg - PaX2, PA800, 500.

Can't go wrong with any of these. Features increase with price. Lest expensive is still good, most expensive probably too much for you right now, but that's up to you.
Posted by: mdorantes

Re: need arranger - 12/13/07 11:41 AM

Do not exclude the Ketron Products, SD5, SD1 Plus (soon to be replaced with the AUDYA), the older models X1, and also the older Solton (Previous name)...
Also, they are one of the 2 ONLY manufacturers that still make Arranger modules like the Xd3, SD3, Midjay and the older models X1m, MS40.
Consider this also, some of the Guitar players I know (Phoenix area), have retrofitted their guitars (as long you use steel strings) with a Midi pickup and that way they control their Ketron/Solton modules, basically I know of two pros, one is a lead guitarist, he plays the leads and embellishments(like the right hand), and his wife plays the chords (left hand), the other entertainer, she is a rhythm guitarist and singer, so, with the module and a pedal option they control real time the Intros, fills, variations, ends, etc.

A few entertainers in the Valley still use the MS50-60-100 besides the X1s, etc.

The advantage on this type of setup, is that you control it in Real time, and do not depend on restrictions on length of the songs ( if you need to cut it short or make it longer). Changes of key on the fly, changing the style of the same song and give a different feel, etc.

I think is good to keep all your options open, Hope it helps.

Posted by: don adams

Re: need arranger - 12/13/07 05:29 PM

Thanks for the info. My budget is about $2000 depending on how well I do on my new Christmas cd sales. I'm kind of leaning towards an s900 right now, except I don't like the keys. I guess I could use it in a midi hookup to my piano. The guitar thing is what makes it tricky. I guess I could also look at getting a footpedal and controlling accompianment with that. Is that possible ? The troubling part is buying all this stuff and then it not doing what you had hoped, but I guess we all know about that.
Posted by: DonM

Re: need arranger - 12/13/07 10:27 PM

Don, I think you should check out using a Ketron Midjay and controller. Seems perfect for what you want to do.