PSR2000 and external sound module

Posted by: Shakil

PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/08/01 12:14 PM

I purchased PSR2000 bascially using along TRITON. I use the arranger features of PSR2000 with TRITON sounds. PSR2000 MIDI is very flexible and you can save as many different setups as you want.

The question I have is about using external sounds while recordin a song or creating a new STYLE.

I have set PSR2000 to send MIDI out on all 16 channels.
1 = MAIN
9 = style Drums 1
10 = style Drums 2
11 = style bass
12 = style chord 1
13 = style chord 2
14 = style pad
15 = style phrase 1
16 = style phrase 2

The problem is:
While recording, recording input is taken from MAIN part (channel 1)... it's not the channel you are recroding to.
So if I will be recording drums 1 (channel 9 on triton), PSR2000 sends midi on channel 1 from MAIN part, so i don't hear the drums sound of channel 9.

I was wondering if there is a setting or option, that could send MIDI to the same part as the one you are recording to.

Posted by: Jocko

Re: PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/08/01 05:48 PM

I don't know if I totally understand your question, but one thing that may help, almost all midi instruments send/receive the drums on either channel 10 or 16.
Posted by: Shakil

Re: PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/08/01 09:33 PM

I know about how MIDI works.

What PSR2000 does internally is that it routes MIDI from MAIN part to whatever part you are recording to. I doesn't play the MAIN part, but the part you are selecting.

But it still sends MIDI out on the MAIN part, i.e., channel 1, while internally it's sending MIDI to the armed part.

Is there are tech support phone for YAMAHA?

George Kaye, can you help me here?

Posted by: Shakil

Re: PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/09/01 05:41 AM

I have another question..
Is there a way on PSR2000 to turn MIDI ON on both internal and external ports on each channel.

I know you get Local control off for ACMP, LEFT, LAYER and MAIN.
Is there a way to have this control on every channel.
See I would like layer some sonds on PSR and TRITON.. For example on drums, i want to play both PSR and TRITON drums, but right now... either I can play all channels together, or just on TRITON.

Any help.... appreciated.
Posted by: Jocko

Re: PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/09/01 05:59 AM

Sorry, didn't mean to insult your intelligence about midi, just trying to offer what little help I could be.
Maybe, this will make up for it:
Yamaha tech support:
714) 522-9000, 8:30am to 5:00pm Pacific Time (Monday throught Friday)

Posted by: Shakil

Re: PSR2000 and external sound module - 11/09/01 11:02 AM

Thanks for the number.

I solved the first issue. I have to put Local control OFF for the MAIN part and send MIDI out on all 16 channels. PSR2000 MIDI capabilities are amazingly powerful.

I will call YAMAHA if they can help me with the second question.