Posted by: Mosiqaar

AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/21/02 09:55 PM

If you are familiar with my amps then try to be specific with ur answer but if your not then at least tell me the general idea thanks.

I have a FENDER PX2216 (MIXER/AMP) - 300W per channel and a QSC USA400 200W per channel AMP.

1)How do I hooke them up to end up with more power? (like 500W per channel maybe or what ever comes out).

2)Do I have to pay attention to the MAX watts on my speakers? If my Speakers are 300W (per 8Ohms) can I still drive 500W power to them?

I am a rookie when it comes to sound engineering and stage setup, so the more details the more I learn , thanks.
Posted by: DonM

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/21/02 10:14 PM

You are opening up a can of worms here. Be very careful trying to use one mixer and two power amps. Some amps need a proper load to work properly and safely, without damaging the amp. And you CAN damage your speakers, if they are rated for 300 watts, and your putting 500 into them.
Also be aware that different companies have different ways of determining watts. For example Yamaha is known for underrating their power amps and Peavey often overrates theirs. I don't know all the details, but I do know you must be careful. Let your ears decide.
Probably you could use one amp for mains and the other for monitors, or power two sets of speakers. I definitely wouldn't try to power one set of speakers with two power amps unless you really know what you are doing.
Posted by: Mosiqaar

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/21/02 11:18 PM

Thanks Don.

The thing is, I bought this system as a package and the person before me is old and is not musical, he bought it to use at his church.

I have two speaker cables that came with this (and two speakers off course ). One cable has a quarter inch jack on one end and a Banana jack on the other. The other cable has two quarter inch jacks. The PX2216 has quarter inch speaker outputs. The QSC AMP has quarter inch INPUTS and Banana Jack OUTPUTS (to the speakers). This leads me to believe that the way this was setup is somehow going from the PX2216 output to the QSC input (using quarter inch cable) then running the banana speaker cable from the output of the QSC into one speaker, then running the other (two quarter inch cable) from the first speaker to the second. I just don't want to burn anything !!!! that's why I am asking

I understand about being careful and trust me so far that second AMP has not been used at all. I do want to learn what to do though .

[This message has been edited by Mosiqaar (edited 08-21-2002).]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/22/02 06:01 AM

Amplifying an amplified signal will fry the second amp.
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/22/02 06:23 AM

Are you playing in situations that require more sound than the Fender can produce alone? If so ... you can double your output this way. (and ONLY this way)
Listen carefully READ carefully? )
The Fender mixer section has outputs that can drive outboard power amps, as well as the hookup to the internal ones.
You need to determine if either of your amps is capable of running in BRIDGE mode (both channels act as ONE).
If you can't be sure of this - DON'T try anything.
If Bridge mode is possible, then you can run the left channel of the mixer into the Fender amp and send it to ONE speaker, and the right channel to the other amp etc.

NOW - Here's the disclaimer:

Is this really necessary? I had the 8 channel version of that same system, and it was very powerful. The QSC can best be utilized as a monitor amp, or to drive additional speakers, but there is NO WAY to hook both amps up to the same two speakers, unless that BRIDGE mode is an option, and you NEED TO BE SURE about that. Very sure. You'll ruin the whole setup if you do it wrong.

As it stands, the fender should be stronger than the QSC, so you'll get the most sound output from the factory setup. The power rating on an amp can be greater than the speaker's, but you need to be careful never to push the amp too much. If you send 500 watts into a 300watt speaker WILL break down eventually, maybe even immediately.

If you want more sound ... you need to MOVE MORE AIR. More wattage does not always translate to more sound. You want coverage .... dispersion....and clarity.
Fiddle with the internal amps alone for a bit, and if you still feel that something is missing .... maybe you can add a subwoofer and power it with the QSC. That will round out the sound and give you plenty of full, deep bass. It wall also take some of the load off your mains, and increase the efficiency of the whole system . More stuff to carry and set up though. You want that ?

The QSC was most likely intended as the power source for a second set of speakers, perhaps a monitor system.
Posted by: Mosiqaar

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/23/02 03:33 AM

Thank you all

UNCLE DAVE You know my setup exactly it seems like. I am a dummy when it comes to this stuff, as this is my first system ever.

1)Let's say I don't use my QSC for my gig this Saturday (which I won't). The way I have been hooking up my Fender to the speakers (which are two Fender 115-ELC's) is by going from AMP A (the quarter inch output jacks on the AMP itself not from the MIXER Main OUTS) to one speaker and from AMP B, to the other speaker. Or someteims I would just use only one AMP A or B and go to the two speakers (there are two quarter inch outputs for each AMP).


(by the way its a wedding hall in a hotel, about 200 people).

2)Back to what you have explained above. My QSC USA400 Has two input channels on the back and right below them is a SWITCH that says BRIDGE MONO on one side and STEREO on the other side, so yes my QSC does allow bridging. Are you saying I go from my mixer MAIN L (lets say) into the OUTPUT of the Fender AMP below it????? OUTPUT TO OUTPUT? The Fender AMP does not have INPUTS...all its got is two AMP A outputs and two AMP B outputs, and it is connect to the mixer through some internal wires in the WOOD CASING! Can you please elaborate in more details on this point?
Also you said, you run the other channel to the other AMP...are you saying the other AMP as in the QSC , or the AMP B? Again if you can re-explain I would really appreciate it
Posted by: Uncle Dave

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/23/02 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Mosiqaar:

I have been hooking up my Fender to the speakers by going from AMP A to one speaker and from AMP B, to the other speaker

2)my QSC does allow bridging.The Fender AMP does not have INPUTS...all its got is two AMP A outputs and two AMP B outputs, and it is connect to the mixer through some internal wires in the WOOD CASING

OK - First things first. The easiest and most efficient way to use your gear is to bring two speakers and plug them into one channel each of the amp. You can feature stereo this way, or use mono by keeping the channel pan controls at center. For stereo - use two channels per signal and pan hard left and hard right.
Two speakers with 400watts is plenty for 200-400 people if it's not a "bass intense" program. If you do a lot of heavy dance stuff ... you mat want to beef up the baottom end a bit, and you can use the QSC and an extra cabinet for that.
Take an aux send from the mixer ..... send it to the QSC input and use the BRIDGE outout to power ONE 8 ohm speaker. Now, you have a separate control to send any intrument or mic to that bass speaker independantly of the main mix. Works like a poor man's crossover.

Check the manual ... I think the mixer has dedicated outs for a mono send. Too bad the amps don't have a dedicated INPUT jack. That was for the easiest, safest operation.

I advise ... Use the 2 Fender speakers (one each to A & B )and keep the QSC as a spare od for monitors or extra bass. That system will kick butt as is.
Posted by: Mosiqaar

Re: AMP HOOK UP QUESTION - 08/26/02 08:37 PM

Thank you UD...I will print this and test it out