Logitech's rocked the hall...

Posted by: travlin'easy

Logitech's rocked the hall... - 10/23/04 04:41 PM

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to put the Z-2200s to the test, one that I was somewhat hesitant about. I arrived at the job early, a location where I had been using the Barbetta Sona 32Cs for the past two years. The room was just under 100 feet in length, 36 feet wide and the ceilings were 20 feet high. I was on a stage about 4 feet above floor level, in glaring lights that I politely asked to have lowered a bit to provide better atmosphere for the party goers who numbered about 60 to 70 individuals who I performed for regularly.

After setting up the keyboard and Z-2200s, which took a total of 8 minutes, I fired up the system, clicked on Vanbasco and triggered a midi file through the PSR-3000 via the USB1 to USB2 cable. Then I walked throughout the room to see how things sounded, keeping in mind that I could always pull the Barbettas out of the van and switch systems with time to spare. The Z-2200s seem to fill the entire room with sound, but it was not overly loud if you were close to the stage. The sound flowed out into the nearby hallway at the end of the room and the desk attendant said it sounded great.

After the 1-hour cocktail party, everyone commented how crisp, clear and wonder the music sounded. Then an elderly gentleman said "Where are your speakers?" When I pointed to the satelites, he said "No, I mean the ones that you were using while playing and singing tonight." When I explained that this was all there was, he said "I would have never believed that all that wonderful music came from those tiny speakers."

I later discovered that he was a lead, jazz guitar player that had retired 15 years ago from a half century of performing with a large band. He said the speakers his band used for a job this size requred 4 strong men to carry, and even then they used a large hand cart for most of their equipment. When I get back from the Bossier City trip I intend to pick up the Z-5500 system, which is rated at 500 watts RMS. I sincerely believe it will kick some major butt! Stay tuned...

Posted by: Tom Cavanaugh

Re: Logitech's rocked the hall... - 10/23/04 09:02 PM

That is exactly what we were talking about when we heard them played at the Jam in San Jose. Eric and I looked at each other and said those little speakers rock. They are very crisp and clear to my ears. I've thought that running two would easily work for medium size jobs. It would be easy enough to wire in some more substantial cables if the occasion ever arises. I need to make those stands and the transport bag.

Where do you get industrial strength velcro?

Posted by: Dnj

Re: Logitech's rocked the hall... - 10/23/04 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Tom Cavanaugh:
Where do you get industrial strength velcro?Tom

Home Depot or Lowes
Posted by: travlin'easy

Re: Logitech's rocked the hall... - 10/24/04 06:05 AM


The transport bag came from Target and was under $20.

Posted by: Jerryghr

Re: Logitech's rocked the hall... - 10/24/04 08:13 AM

A review of the 5500's.

A word of warning.

On another site they said "Don't remove the stands, since the plastic mounting treads fall back into the speaker, and there is no way to retrieve them, with out taking the speakers apart, which is no easy task".

You will not be able to re-attach the stands.
